一、创立院办企业的动因 1.经济体制改革的启示。改革的大潮推动了乡镇工业的蓬勃发展,成为农村经济的一大支柱。面对新形势,使我们清醒地意识到,乡镇卫生事业要发展,没有经济支柱不行,只有创办企业,发展经济,以工助医,才是加快农村卫生事业发展的重要选择。 2.“逼上梁山”,走以工助医之路。我院在199O年以前,经济十分拮据,人力物力相对薄弱,医院领导曾
I. The motives for the establishment of a college-run enterprise 1. Enlightenment from the reform of the economic system. The tide of reforms has promoted the vigorous development of township and township industries and has become a major pillar of the rural economy. Faced with the new situation, we are soberly aware that the development of township health care must be done without economic pillars. Only the establishment of a company, the development of an economy, and the use of workers to assist doctors are the important choices for accelerating the development of rural health. 2. “Forcing Liangshan” to take the road to work for medical assistance. Before 199O in our hospital, the economy was very tight, the human and material resources were relatively weak, and hospital leaders once