
来源 :初中生世界·七年级学习版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dadiguilai
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  1. follow 动词,意为“跟随;仿效;理解”。
  Sorry,I can?蒺t follow you. Please say it again. 抱歉,我没听懂你的话。请再说一遍。
  Follow the guide,or you?蒺ll lose your way. 跟着导游,否则你会迷路的。
  【联想】 following 接着的,下列的
  It rained on the day we arrived,but the following day was sunny. 我们到达的那天正下雨,但次日天气晴朗。
  【搭配】 follow the rule 遵守规则 follow the fashion 赶时髦
  follow sb?蒺s advice 听从某人的劝告
  2. north 名词,意为“北,北方”。
  The needle of a compass points to the north. 罗盘的指针指向北方。
  【搭配】 in/on the north of 在……北部 to the north of 在……以北
  Beijing is in the north of China. 北京位于中国北部。
  Mongolia lies on the north of China. 蒙古位于中国北部。
  Beijing is to the north of Jiangsu. 北京在江苏的北面。
  【联想】 south 南,南部; east 东,东部; west 西,西部
  north?鄄east 东北 north?鄄west 西北 south?鄄east 东南 south?鄄west 西南
  northern 北方的 southern 南方的 eastern 东方的 western 西方的
  The USA and the UK are western countries. 美国和英国是西方国家。
  East or west,home is best. 金窝银窝,不如自家狗窝。
  3. trip 名词,意为“旅行,旅游”。
  I felt a little tired after the trip. 旅行后我有点累。
  【搭配】 make/take/have a trip 去旅行 go on a camping trip 去露营
  They are planning to make a wedding trip to Paris. 他们计划到巴黎旅行度蜜月。
  【联想】 trip,travel,journey和tour都有“旅行”的意思,但用法略有不同。
  4. remember 动词,意为“记得,记住”。
  Remember to call me when you get there. 到了那儿记得给我打电话。
  【巧记】 re?鄄+member,后面的“member”是“成员”的意思。
  【搭配】 remember to do something 记住要去做某事
  remember doing something 记得做过某事
  I remember seeing Yao Ming somewhere. 我记得在哪里见过姚明。
  【联想】 remember的反义词为forget。
  Don?蒺t forget to turn off the lights when you leave. 走时别忘了关灯。
  5. dangerous 形容词,意为“危险的”。
  It?蒺s dangerous to leave a child alone at home. 把小孩单独留在家里是危险的。
  【联想】 dangerous的名词形式为danger。
  Be careful!There?蒺s danger ahead. 当心,前方有危险。
  【巧记】 dangerous的构成是danger+?鄄ous,有些名词+?鄄ous就构成形容词了。
  humour 幽默 humourous 幽默的 poison 毒(药) poisonous 有毒的
  【搭配】 be dangerous to/for 对……有危险
  Knives are dangerous to children. 刀对孩子来说很危险。
  Playing with fire is dangerous for you. 你玩火很危险。
  6. funny 形容词,意为“好笑的,滑稽的”。
  He is a very funny man. 他是一个很风趣的人。
  Children like funny stories. 孩子们喜欢听有趣的故事。
  【巧记】 有些名词+?鄄y后缀,成为形容词。如:
  cloud→cloudy;fog→foggy;sun→sunny   【易错提醒】 funny的比较级、最高级为funnier,funniest。
  7. laugh 动词,意为“笑、大笑”。
  I couldn?蒺t help laughing when I saw Chaplin?蒺s movies. 我看卓别林的电影时忍不住会笑。
  【搭配】 laugh at 嘲笑
  It?蒺s not right to laugh at the disabled. 嘲笑残疾人是不对的。
  【联想】 smile 微笑
  Our English teacher always smiles at us in class. 我们英语老师在课堂上总是对我们微笑。
  8. cross 动词,意为“穿过、横过”。
  Look left first when you cross the road. 过马路时先看看左边。
  【搭配】 cross a street 过街 cross a river 过河
  Cross the bridge when one comes to it. 船到桥头自然直。
  【联想】 across 介词,意为“穿过、横过”。crossing 名词,意为“十字路口”。
  There?蒺s a flower shop across the street. 街对面有个花店。
  Turn right at the first crossing. =Take the first crossing on the right. 在第一个十字路口向右转。
  9. outside “(在)外面”,可作介词、副词和名词。
  The poor little boy stood outside the classroom for a long time.
  Let?蒺s go outside and play for a while. 让我们出去玩一会儿吧。(副词)
  The outside of the building looks so beautiful. 大楼的外观看上去蛮漂亮的。(名词)
  【巧记】 outside是合成词,可拆成out+side。再如:countryside 乡下。
  【联想】 其反义词为inside。
  Open the box and let me look inside. 打开箱子让我看看。
  10. sign 名词,意为“指示牌”“标志牌”。
  You?蒺ll see a stop sign there. 在那里你会看到有个停车标志。
  【搭配】 look at the sign 看标记 traffic signs 交通标志 road signs 路标
  【联想】 其同义词为mark 标记;symble 标志。
  【原句再现1】 I think we have to go up again.
  【结构解析】 此句包含have to结构,have to表示“必须;不得不”。其否定形式don?蒺t have to则表示“不必”。在具体的语境里,have to结构有各种时态。
  【句型运用】 翻译句子:
  1. 昨晚没公交车了,我们只好步行回家。
  Yesterday evening there was no bus,so we ______ ______ walk home.
  2. 我们今天必须交作业吗?不必。
  — Must we hand in our homework today?
  — No,you ______ ______ ______.
  3. Tom的妈妈生病住院了,他只好每天照顾她。
  Tom?蒺s mother is ill in hospital. He ______ ______ look after her every day.
  【答案】 1. had to 2. don?蒺t have to 3. has to
  【原句再现2】 Go straight on,and you?蒺ll find the Panda House.
  【结构解析】 此句是“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构,and表示两句是顺承关系;or表示两句是转折关系。前一句相当于条件或假设,后一句相当于结果。
  Trust me and you?蒺ll find the way. =If you trust me,you?蒺ll find the way.
  ( )1. Study hard,______ you?蒺ll catch up with the top students in your class.
  A. and B. so C. but D. or
  ( )2. Get up early tomorrow,______ you?蒺ll miss the first bus.
  A. and B. so C. but D. or
  【答案】 1. A 2. D
  【原句再现3】 They make people laugh.
  【结构解析】 动词不定式在make,let和have等使役动词后面作宾语补足语时,要省略动词不定式符号“to”。如:Sad movies always make me cry.   【句型运用】 用所给词的适当形式填空:
  1. The officer had the soldier ______(do) it at once.
  2. Let ladies ______(go) first.
  3. The delicious food in the hotel makes me ______(feel) at home.
  【答案】 1. do 2. go 3. feel
  【原句再现4】 There are also birds,aren?蒺t there?
  【结构解析】 此句为there be结构的反义疑问句,反义疑问句由“陈述句+简短一般疑问句”构成,前肯后否,前否后肯。常见的表示否定的词有:few,little(少的,不多),hardly,seldom,never等等。反义疑问句的回答和一般疑问句的回答是完全一样。如:— His father isn?蒺t a doctor,is he? — Yes,he is. 祈使句的反义疑问句比较特殊,Let?蒺s...,后面要跟shall we;其他祈使句后面多数跟will you。
  【句型运用】 完成下列反义疑问句:
  1. Let?蒺s go to the playground,______ ______?
  2. His aunt wasn?蒺t at home,______ ______?
  3. You can swim,______ ______?
  4. He went to Beijing yesterday,______ ______?
  5. Millie is never late for school,______ ______?
  【答案】 1. shall we 2. was she 3. can?蒺t you 4. didn?蒺t he 5. is she
  一、 冠词
  不定冠词泛指某人或某物,也可以表示数量,有“一”的意思,但数的概念没有one强烈。a用于辅音(不是辅音字母)开头的词前;an用于元音(不是元音字母)开头的词前。例如:a university,a useful book;an hour,an English teacher,an island,an elephant,an egg等等。
  二、 方位介词
  ( )1. I like playing ______ basketball,while my sisiter likes playing the piano.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  ( )2. We live on ______ third floor of the tall building.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  ( )3. There are about 365 days in ______ year.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  ( )4. We must call ______ police at once.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  ( )5. Once there lived ______ old man in the village. The old man had 3 sons.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  【答案】 1. D 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B
  【原题再现1】 Jack,______,or you will get heavier. (2012· 重庆)
  A. doesn?蒺t play sports any more B. doesn?蒺t eat so much meat
  C. don?蒺t play sports any more D. don?蒺t eat so much meat
  【答案解析】 本题考查“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”结构。注意,这里的Jack是呼语。根据句意,“不要吃太多的肉,否则你会变胖”。故答案选D。
  【原题再现2】 — What do you want to be when you grow up?
  — I want to be ______ social worker. Many people are in great need of our help. (2012· 南京)
  A. a B. an C. the D. 不填
  【答案解析】 本题考查冠词的用法。不定冠词+名词,表示泛指。本题答案为A。
  【原题再现3】 My father has a habit of jogging ______ the Jinchuan River for an hour in the morning. (2012·南京)   A. between B. along C. over D. through
  【答案解析】 本题考查方位介词。根据句意,“沿着河慢跑”,答案选B。
  【原题再现4】 They want their daughter to go to ______ university,but they also want her to get ______ summer job. (2012·杭州)
  A. 不填;a B. the;a C. an;a D. a;the
  【答案解析】 本题考查冠词。go to universuty是固定搭配,意为“上大学”。再如:go to school,in hospital,均不要冠词。job是可数名词,表示泛指时其前用不定冠词a,故选A。
  【原题再现5】 ______ Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day. (2012·广东)
  A. / B. A C. An D. The
  【答案解析】 本题考查冠词。“the+姓氏+?鄄s”表示“一家人”或“夫妻俩”,故选D。
  【原题再现6】 — Why are you standing,Alice?
  — I can?蒺t see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting ______me. (2012·广东)
  A. behind B. next to C. between D. in front of
  【答案解析】 本题考查方位介词。根据句意,由“我看不清黑板”可以推断出“两个高个子男孩坐我前面”。答案为D。
  【原题再现7】 Yao Ming is ______ Chinese basketball player that ever played in NBA. (2012·河南)
  A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
  【答案解析】 本题考查形容词最高级。形容词最高级必须与the连用,故选D。
  【原题再现8】 — I left my keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in ______ the window.
  — It?蒺s dangerous to do that. (2012·河南)
  A. in B. through C. over D. to
  【答案解析】 本题考查介词。根据句意,由“我的钥匙落在房间里”可以推断出“我”是“通过窗户进去的”。故选B。
  【原题再现9】 We will see ______ even stronger China in ______ near future. (2012·呼和浩特)
  A. a;the B. an;the C. the;a D. an;a
  【答案解析】 本题考查冠词。“在不远的将来”用 in the near future表示,是固定搭配,可以排除C和D。“一个更加强大的中国”,很显然even是元音音素开头的,故选B。
  【原题再现10】 根据句意和汉语注释或首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
  The Great Wall is in the n______ part of China. (2012·乌鲁木齐)
  【答案解析】 本题考查词汇,根据句意,“长城在中国北部”,因此填northern。
  一、 单项选择
  ( )1. — ______ is your home from here? — About 5 miles.
  A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How soon
  ( )2. There?蒺s a wallet ______ on the ground. Whose is it?
  A. lie B. lies C. lying D. to lie
  ( )3. Practise more,______ you will pass the coming exams.
  A. or B. and C. but D. so
  ( )4. He left without saying ______ word.
  A. a B. an C. the D. /
  ( )5. What a sunny day!Let?蒺s go boating ______ the lake,shall we?
  A. on B. in C. to D. at
  ( )6. The plane is flying ______ New York.
  A. under B. below C. over D. above
  ( )7. — Could you tell me ______ get to the zoo? — Certainly.
  A. how to B. what to C. where to D. which to
  ( )8. — I?蒺ll go to London for a trip next month. — Great!______!
  A. Good luck B. Have a good time
  C. Best wishes D. Glad to see you again   ( )9. Be careful!There is ______ traffic on the road.
  A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too
  ( )10. — Would you like some cake? — ______.
  A. Yes,please B. No
  C. No problem D. No,I wouldn?蒺t
  二、 词汇运用
  A. 根据句意及汉语或首字母提示,写出各单词的正确形式。
  1. Go ______(径直地) on,and you will find the museum on your right.
  2. People in the ______(西方) celebrate Halloween.
  3. — How was your ______(旅行) to Lijiang? — Not bad.
  4. Boys and girls,it?蒺s ______(危险) to play with fire.
  5. There is a ______(银行) across the street.
  6. Pandas like eating b______ leaves.
  7. Don?蒺t smoke here. Look at the s______,please.
  8. When the t______ light is red,you must stop.
  9. — Is there an English C______ in your school?
  — Yes. We often go there to practise our spoken English.
  10. R______ to bring your homework here tomorrow.
  B. 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。
  1. The sun is shining brightly. The boys ______(lie) on the grass now.
  2. The tree ______(leaf) turn brown in autumn.
  3. Take the second ______(turn) on the left.
  4. She can swim ______(cross) the river.
  5. Monkeys always make us ______(laugh).
  三、 完形填空
  Are you nervous when you stand in front of the public? Are you afraid to make a speech?
  Li Jun,a middle school boy,feels very shy when he is making a speech. Li thought it would be quite easy to speak in front of 1 classmates.
  “I was wrong. It was very different and much 2 than talking to my classmates during playtime.” Li said,“I tried,but it was really difficult to speak. I felt I like a mute(哑巴) and wanted to leave the classroom 3 .”
  Li is not alone. Many middle school students now have the same 4 — they can talk about their ideas freely 5 their best friends after class,but can?蒺t speak in public. According to Zhou Hong,a teacher from a university,the main reason is that schools in China pay more attention to writing instead of 6 .
  Zhou hopes schools can give students more chances to open their 7 ,such as speech competitions,English Corners and class discussions. Students can join in any one they want to. 8 he also gives some advice to students. “During your free time you should 9 more. When you?蒺re speaking in public,take it easy. Just imagine you?蒺re talking to nobody and speak up your ideas clearly.” Zhou said,“That makes a fine speech and 10 will feel confident(自信).”   ( )1. A. her B. my C. your D. his
  ( )2. A. harder B. easier C. better D. later
  ( )3. A. slow B. quickly C. sad D. happily
  ( )4. A. answer B. subject C. problem D. hobby
  ( )5. A. behind B. beside C. from D. with
  ( )6. A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. singing
  ( )7. A. mouths B. eyes C. hearts D. hands
  ( )8. A. But B. So C. And D. Or
  ( )9. A. play B. practise C. write D. watch
  ( )10. A. he B. she C. they D. you
  四、 阅读理解
  Blue Ocean Aquarium is a great place for families to take a holiday. Children love to see the sea animals like dolphins and watch movies about sharks in it.
  Last Saturday morning, Mr Jackson took his wife and two little sons to the aquarium. At the ticket office,he said,“How much shall I pay to get in?” The woman at the ticket office answered,“The price is 20 dollars for each adult or any kid older than five. We let kids in free if they are five or younger. How old are your kids?”
  Mr Jackson said,“The older one is six and the younger one is three. I think I should buy three tickets.” The woman was surprised. She said,“Sir,don?蒺t you want to save 20 dollars? If you tell me your older son is five,I won?蒺t know the difference.” Mr Jackson said with a smile,“Yes,that sounds right,but my kids will know the difference.”
  From Mr Jackson?蒺s story,we know honesty is very important in the modern society. We should tell the truth to the people around us,especially to the kids.
  ( )1. How many people are there in this story?
  A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 6
  ( )2. How many dollars did Mr Jackson pay for their tickets to the aquarium at last?
  A. 20 B. 40 C. 60 D. 80
  ( )3. What animal can children see in Blue Ocean Aquarium?
  A. dolphins B. pandas C. lions D. birds
  ( )4. The underlined word“honesty” means ______.
  A. 激情 B. 友谊 C. 乐观 D. 诚实
  ( )5. What can we learn from the passage?
  A. Mr Jackson was very poor.
  B. Mr Jackson wanted to save some money.
  C. Mr Jackson paid for his two sons?蒺 tickets in the end.
  D. Mr Jackson thought honesty was more important than money.
  五、 书面表达
  Amy是一名美国游客,她在Bank Street迷了路。请你根据下图用英文写出她去宾馆的路。字数不少于70个单词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
  Don?蒺t worry,Amy. We can help you find the way to the hotel.
  ______________________________________________________________________________   ______________________________________________________________________________
  一、 1—5 CCBAA 6—10 CABBA
  二、 A. 1. straight 2. west 3. trip 4. dangerous 5. bank 6. bamboo 7. sign 8. traffic 9. Corner 10. Remember
  B. 1. are lying 2. leaves 3. turning 4. across 5. laugh
  三、 1—5 DABCD 6—10 BACBD
  四、 1—5 BCADD
  五、 Don?蒺t worry,Amy. We can help you find the way to the hotel.
  Now you?蒺re in Bank Street. There?蒺s a cinema on your left,right? Walk along Bank Street,and you?蒺ll find a cafe on the left and a book shop on the right. Walk on and turn left at the seconding turning. Just opposite the food shop there?蒺s a tall building. It?蒺s the City Hospital. Walk on,and you?蒺ll see a yellow building on the left. It?蒺s a museum. The hotel is just opposite the museum. You can?蒺t miss it,I think.
  How to ask or show the way in English? 如何用英语问路、指路?
  1. 英语问路的常用句式:
  Excuse me,where is...,please? Excuse me,could you tell me the way to...?
  Excuse me,how can I get to...? Excuse me,is there a/an...near here?
  Excuse me,which is the way to...? Excuse me,would you please show me the way to...?
  Excuse me,would you mind telling me the way to...?
  Excuse me,can you direct me to...?
  Excuse me,I wonder if you could do me a favour. I?蒺m looking for...
  Excuse me,is this the right way to...? Should I go this way,or that way?
  How much further is it? Is this the only way to get there?
  What street is this? Where does this street lead to?
  2. 英语指路的常用句式:
  Cross the street and go ahead. 过马路,一直往前走。
  It?蒺ll take you no more than ten minutes to walk there. 用不了10分钟你就走到那儿了。
  You?蒺re going in the opposite direction. 你方向走反了。
  Go down/up/along this street... 沿着这条街走。
  Go straight on,then turn left /right at the first/second crossing. 一直走,在第一/二个十字路口向左/右拐。
  Go straight ahead about... metres. 往前一直走……米。
  Keep going until you see a ... on your left. 继续往前走,一直走到左边有……
  Keep straight on for two blocks. 一直往前走,走过两个街区。
  Walk one block east. 朝东走过一个街区。
  Just follow this street two blocks. 沿着这条街走过两个街区就到了。
  Cross the street and... 过了这条街,然后…… It?蒺s over there. 就在那边。
  It?蒺s just around the corner. 就在拐角处。 It?蒺s across from... 在……对面。
  It?蒺s next to /near... 就在……隔壁。 It?蒺s not far from here. 离这儿不远。
  It?蒺s at the end of the street. 在这条街的尽头。
  3. 问路、指路的注意事项:
  我国的交通规则是“行人靠右”,而在英国你会看到这样的交通标牌“Keep to the left.”意为“靠左边走”,要注意两者的区别。
  (1) 问路时应首先说一声“Excuse me”,这样既可以引起对方的注意,又不失礼貌。
  (2) 当你没听清时,你可以说一声“Excuse me,would you please say it again?”或“I beg your pardon?”等,礼貌地要求对方重复一遍。
  (3) 问完路后,千万不要忘记向对方说句“Thank you for helping me.”或“Thank you.”。
  1. Why are girls afraid of the letter C?
  2. What does everybody do at the same time?
  3. Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired(解雇)?
  4. If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?
  5. Why is the letter E so important?
  1. Because it makes fat fact!
  2. Grow old!
  3. Father Christmas!
  4. Wet!
  5. Because it?蒺s the begining of everything!
【摘要】课堂教学是教师的教与学生的学的统一的过程,是师生知、情、意、行互动的过程,互动式教学过程是师生教学相长的过程。在这一过程中,教师不仅要授业、传道、解惑,还要指导学生学会学习,发展智能、提高技能,促进其成才。互动是一种先进的教学理念,也是一种实用的教学模式。  【关键词】高校;教学;互动;研究    课堂教学是高校经济贸易专业教学工作的基本形式,互动是教学过程的本质属性。教学包含有教和学两个
【摘要】开展创业教育,需要浓郁的创业文化氛围作为支撑。把创业教育寓于大学校园文化建设之中,大力进行创业文化的建设,对开展大学生创业教育具有推动作用。  【关键词】高校;创业文化;创业教育    1.高校创业文化的内涵及作用    1.1 高校创业文化的内涵  高校创业文化是指全体师生勇于开创事业的思想意识以及相应的价值观念和鼓励创业的社会心理之和。“硅谷创业文化”对美国经济社会的发展就起到了重要的
天津:大学生培训见习就业创业有保障    在天津市十五届人大二次会上,政府工作报告提出,政府将改善民生作为工作的出发点和落脚点。其中,将实施更积极的就业政策,做到以项目扩大就业、以创业带動就业、以培训促进就业。    福建将新建50家省级高校毕业生就业见习基地    为破解高校毕业生就业难题,福建省目前已建立了58家省级高校毕业生就业见习基地,有6000余名毕业生获得见习机会。   据介绍,高校毕
教育部:始终把大学生就業  摆在突出重要位置    教育部在深入学习实践科学发展观活动中,始终把人民群众高度关心的高校毕业生就业工作摆在突出重要的位置,把积极促进大学生就业作为教育为人民服务、办人民满意教育的重要举措,坚决贯彻落实中央要求,以“非常时期、非常决心、非常举措”全力以赴促进高校毕业生就业。  教育部相关部门负责人介绍,教育部党组成立了由4名部领导任正副组长的高校毕业生就业工作领导小组;
1.气体压强产生的原因  和其他所有的物体一样,气体也是由大量的分子组成(分子间有空隙)的,分子在永不停息地做无规则运动(温度越高,分子的无规则运动越剧烈),分子间同时存在相互作用的引力和斥力.这是分子动理论中涉及的内容.让我们用它来解决这样一个问题:假设有一定质量的理想气体被密封在一个容器中,那么,由于分子的无规则运动,这些气体将会充满整个空间,表现为它的体积,同时,由于容器壁的密封阻隔,大量的
物体的惯性是有大小的,惯性的大小反映了物体运动状态改变的难易程度.物体惯性的大小只决定于物体质量的大小,与物体是否受力、受力大小、运动状态等因素都是无关的.质量越大的物体,惯性也就越大,它保持原来运动状态的本领就比较大,也就是说它的运动状态不容易被改变.因为物体的质量不会消失,所以物体的惯性也是不会消失的,当然也就不能说“物体的惯性由于受到力的作用而被克服或被消灭”.  惯性是一个比较抽象的概念,
背景知识  As the capital of China, Beijing is one of the world?蒺s truly imposing cities, with a 3,000-year history and 11 million people. Covering 16,808 square kilometers in area, it is the political, cu
■  1. welcome 动词,意为“欢迎、乐于接受”,后常跟人。  I?蒺m afraid they won?蒺t welcome visitors like you. 恐怕他们不欢迎像你这样的游客。  常见的You?蒺re welcome. 用于回答“Thank you.”,意为“不客气”。  【搭配】 welcome home欢迎回家,welcome to China欢迎到中国来  【拓展
■  1. share 及物动词,意为“合用、分享”。  It?蒺s reported two scientists will share this year?蒺s Nobel Prize for Medicine.  据报道,两名科学家将共同摘得今年的诺贝尔医学奖。  【搭配】 share sth. with sb. 意为“和某人分享某物”。例如:  The boy always shares