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本刊讯为进一步加强涉企收费管理,推进普遍性降费,激发市场活力,支持实体经济发展,经国务院批准,财政部、发改委、工信部近日发出通知,将在全国范围内开展涉企收费专项清理规范工作。此次清理规范的范围包括行政机关、事业单位、代行政府职能的社会团体收取的涉企行政事业性收费和政府性基金,行政审批前置、涉及市场监管和准入以及其他具有强制垄断性的涉企经营 In order to further strengthen the management of fees charged by enterprises, promote universal fee reduction, stimulate market vitality and support the development of the real economy, the Ministry of Finance, the NDRC and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently issued a circular to launch a nationwide fee-charging program Clean up the normative work. The scope of the clean-up norms include administrative agencies, institutions, agencies acting on behalf of the government social organizations charged by the administrative fees and government-related corporate funds, administrative examination and approval, pre-market regulatory and access and other mandatory monopoly Involved in business
我院1976~1985年收治159例眼球穿孔伤患者,其中眼球内有异物存留的89例。下面谈谈对异物摘除术的体会。临床资料 89例中,男86例,女3侧。年龄17~50 岁。右眼53例,左眼36例。磁
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A new furostanoside, aspafilioside D (1) has been isolated from the root of Asparagus filicinus. Its structure was determined by spectral and chemical methods.
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