办有品位的学校 育有品位的学生——北京市五路居第一中学

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北京市五路居第一中学建于1985年,占地面积12793.88平方米,校舍面积7168平方米,现有12个教学班,隶属于朝阳区教委,是一所区级素质教育示范校。学校坐落在北京市北三环旁的安贞社区,紧邻元大都遗址公园、中华民族园、奧林匹克中心、中国科技馆等,优越的地理位置为学校的发展提供了丰富的教育资源和良好的社会环境。学校在朝阳区教工委、教委的领导下,以科学的发展观为指导,以“办有品位的学校,发展有品位的教师,育有品位的学生,为学生的终身发展奠基,为民族的未来负责”为办学理念,以“润泽、博雅、睿智、平和”为校训,培养有思想的健康公民。学校注重教师队伍的建设,通过愿景激励、任务驱动、互帮互助、搭建平台、评价引导、定期诊断等策略促进教师专业的成长,教师队伍成长迅速,拥有一批特级教师及市、区级骨干教师。学校德育工作注重德育机制和德育课程的建设。德育工作坚持以制度内化为基 Beijing Wuluju first middle school was built in 1985, covers an area of ​​12793.88 square meters, school area of ​​7168 square meters, the existing 12 teaching classes, under the Chaoyang District Board of Education, is a district-level quality education demonstration school. The school is located in the Anzhen community next to the North Third Ring Road in Beijing, close to the Yuan Dadu Ruins Park, the Chinese National Park, the Olympic Center, China Science and Technology Museum, etc. The excellent geographical location for the development of the school provides a wealth of educational resources and good social surroundings. Under the leadership of the Education Committee and the Education Commission of Chaoyang District, the school is guided by the scientific concept of development, with “quality-oriented schools, the development of tasteful teachers and quality-minded students as the foundation for the lifelong development of students and the national Responsible for the future ”as the school philosophy, “ moist, liberal, wisdom, peace ”as the motto, cultivate a healthy thinking of citizens. The school pays great attention to the construction of teaching staff and promotes the growth of teachers’ profession through such strategies as visionary motivation, task-driven, mutual help and assistance, platform building, evaluation and guidance, and regular diagnosis. The teacher team has grown rapidly with a group of top-grade teachers and key municipal and district-level teachers teacher. Moral education in schools pay attention to moral education and moral education curriculum construction. Moral education insists on the internalization of the system
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