白兰波的动人之处在于他鲜明的个性,个性中最突出的地方是他的自然本色,是在走过近20年商海的惊涛骇浪和世俗的浸泡后依然保持着的独我的运作模式和不变的百姓情怀。经营新理念 1983年,白兰波凭着瓦刀、铁锹起家,组织了一个二三十人的街道建筑队。不到20年的时间,这个建筑队发展成为国家二级施工企业,冠以任丘市新华建筑安装工程有限公司名号,下设9个分公司,1所私立中学,固定资产2000万元,年产值近亿元,
Bolanbo’s moving point lies in his distinctive personality, the most prominent place in his personality is his natural character, which is still in the past twenty years of business and the world after the stormy seaweed immersion still maintained the mode of operation and not Change the feelings of the people. Operators new ideas In 1983, Polanyu with tile knives, shovels started, organized a twenty or thirty street construction team. In less than 20 years, this construction team has developed into a national second-level construction enterprise under the name of Renqiu Xinhua Construction and Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. It consists of 9 branches, 1 private high school, fixed assets of 20 million yuan, Nearly 100 million yuan in output value,