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  We all know about the power of a book to fire up a young mind with possibility. Well, now, the story of fourth graders in Brookline, Massachusetts, who were inspired by a popular children’s book to take on Hollywood. And they won!
  When you’ve loved a book, really loved it, like 9 and 10-year-olds in Mr. Wells’ class, what do you do when the grown-ups are getting it all wrong? The book? The Lorax, the ultimate Dr. Seuss environmental hero, the only voice who speaks for the trees, as a greedy factory owner chops down every truffula tree in the forest.
  When the kids found out the book was going to be a movie, they then checked out the movie’s website, and the kids didn’t see the Lorax speaking out about anything but tickets and online games; not one mention
  of the environment.
  Child A: We’re the changers, the changers, that said“we speak for the trees”?
  Molly Katchpole:美国银行曾经在2011年计划推出一项新规,每个月向借记卡持有人收取五美元的费用。女大学毕业生Molly Katchpole随即在change.org网站发起抗议,赢得广泛支持。美国银行随后取消这一收费政策。
  沙特阿拉伯女司机:在沙特阿拉伯,妇女是被禁止开车的。2011年,沙特妇女Manal al-Sharif因驾驶汽车而被监禁。名为Saudi Women for Driving的组织在change.org网站呼吁美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿公开支持沙特妇女争取开车的权利。希拉里后来作出回应,表示支持。
随着物质的丰盈,阅读已经成为我们的精神特质,书籍如同我们的精神食量一般。  从龟壳到竹简,再到纸张,我们的阅读媒介不断发生变化。近年来电子书以及相关科技的兴起,为图书的演变翻开了新的篇章,继而引发了关于电子书与纸质传统图书的一场“大战”。  新事物总能吸引特定的人群。电子书显然成为如今快餐式生活的宠儿,阅读起来更方便,价格也较为低廉,可谓优点众多。  相比之下,出版行业的复杂性、微薄的利润、书店的
Bookstore sales have been sinking steadily since 2007 and, though e-book sales are soaring by nearly 50% last year in the adult books category alone and 475% in the children’s category, according to t
(In a Commercial)  Woman A: That a Kindle?  Man A: Yeah.  The new literary debate plays out in this commercial by Kindle.(In a Commercial)  Woman A: 1)This can hold two books, two newspapers, three ma
This is no ordinary temple. The monks here are 1)devotees, but not just of Buddhism.  Inspired by China’s heroism in the 2002 World Cup, millions of Chinese have become soccer fans. Amongst them, a gr
I believe in buying books you can’t really afford. I’m not advocating 1)fiscal irresponsibility, but if you’re going to make a big purchase, why not make it a book? Good books age with you; they bend
App是什么?——在座各位可能也说不出个所以然,但如果说它就是你的电脑或智能手机里的天气预告、游玩资讯,甚至是“愤怒的小鸟”或者“水果忍者”,你估计会恍然大悟。是的,就是这个叫App的小东西现在正以你始料不及的速度悄悄潜入你的生活,改变你的人生,而最让你意想不到的就是,看上去小得  可以忽略不计的它可是一门价值几十亿美元的大生意!  十年前,我们绝对想不到这有可能成为现实。今天,我们却惊叹,没有它
Raindrops keep fallin’ on my head  And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed  Nothin’ seems to fit  Those raindrops are fallin’ on my head  They keep fallin’  So I just did me some talk
爱情,这是一个让人猜也猜不透的谜,男人希望女人更爱自己多一点,而女人也希望自己的爱有所回报。一个微笑也好,一个拥抱也罢,这都是爱的表现。不过最美好的事情就是你给的恰好是她需要的,如此一来就少了许多烦恼,少了许多揪心的事情。然而怀抱有时,不怀抱有时;寻找有时,失落有时;喜爱有时,恨恶有时,并不是每件事情都能如你所愿,你要随时准备好迎接这些“时”,以便更好地应对。  “女人,我该如何更爱你?”无数次的
前两天想去理发,无奈荷包里只剩二十大元,怕不够,于是向一个同事借,结果她比我更夸张,只有五块钱……临近发工资,大家的经济状况怎一个窘迫了得啊。最后,还是向第三个同事借到了钱,理了发……  当时心里就一个感觉,至于吗?每个月薪水怎么也算是个中等水平,怎么会窘成这样呢……虽然很不情愿,我还是痛下决心反思了一番。反思的结果是我花钱似乎太过大手大脚,成日喊着节省节省,但也就只停留在口头上了。不久前又看到一