Significant correlation between expression level of HSP gp96 and progression of hepatitis B virus in

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudidewohaha
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AIM:Gp96,also known as Grp94,is a member of heatshock protein (HSP) family and binds repertoires of peptidesthereof eliciting peptide-specific T cell immune responses.It predominantly locates inside the endoplasmic reticulum(ER) with some cell surface expression in certain cancerouscells.Previous studies have shown that gp96 expressionlevel was up-regulated in tumor cells,including hepatocellularcarcinoma (HCC).However,relationship between theextent of gp96 expression and disease progression especiallyHBV-induced chronic infection,cirrhosis and hepatocellularcarcinoma,has not been addressed before.As primary HCCcan be induced and progressed from chronic hepatitis Bvirus (HBV) infection and HBV-induced cirrhosis,wedesigned an immunohistochemical experiment to test thecorrelation between gp96 expression level and HBV-induceddisease progression,from chronic HBV infection,cirrhosisto HCC.METHODS:We chose liver samples from different patientsof hepatitis B virus induced diseases,including chronichepatitis B (77 patients),cirrhosis (27 patients) and primaryHCC (30 patients),to test the expression level of gp96 indifferent affected groups.Formalin-fixed,and paraffin-embedded liver tissues taken from these patients wereimmuno-stained by using an anti-gp96 monoclonal antibodyfor the expression level of gp96 protein in the sections.Inaddition,Western blotting of whole cell lysates derived fromestablished human embryonic liver cell lines and severalhuman HCC cell lines (Huh7,HepG2,SSMC-7721) wascompared with the expression of gp96.RESULTS:We found that the extent of elevated gp96expression was significantly correlated with the diseaseprogression,and was the highest in HCC patients,lowestin chronic HBV infection and was that of the cirrhosis inthe middle.CONCLUSION:Increased expression of gp96 might be usedas a diagnostic or prognostic bio-marker for the HBV infectionand HBV-induced diseases. AIM: Gp96, also known as Grp94, is a member of heatshock protein (HSP) family and binds repertoires of peptide sthere of eliciting peptide-specific T cell immune responses. It predominantly locates inside the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) with some cell surface expression in certain Previously studied have shown that gp96 expressionlevel was up-regulated in tumor cells, including hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Despite that relationship between theextent of gp96 expression and disease progression especially HBV-induced chronic infection, cirrhosis and hepatocellularcarcinoma, has not been addressed before. As primary HCCcan be induced and progressed from chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and HBV-induced cirrhosis, wedesigned an immunohistochemical experiment to test thecorrelation between gp96 expression level and HBV-induced disease progression, from chronic HBV infection, cirrhosisto HCC.METHODS: We chose liver samples from different patients of hepatitis B virus induced diseases, including c HCChepatitis B (77 patients), cirrhosis (27 patients) and primary HCC (30 patients), to test the expression level of gp96 indifferent affected groups. Normalin-fixed, and paraffin-embedded liver tissues taken from these patients wereimmuno-stained by using an anti-gp96 monoclonal antibody for the expression level of gp96 protein in the sections. Addition, Western blotting of whole cell lysates derived fromestablished human embryonic liver cell lines and several human HCC cell lines (Huh7, HepG2, SSMC-7721) was compared with the expression of gp96 .RESULTS: We found that the extent of elevated gp96expression was significantly correlated with the diseaseprogression, and was the highest in HCC patients, lowestin chronic HBV infection and was that of the cirrhosis inthe middle.CONCLUSION: Increased expression of gp96 might be usedas a diagnostic or prognostic bio-marker for the HBV infection and HBV-induced diseases.
背景和目的 戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)感染通常经由粪便-口途径传播,尽管缺少血液传播戊肝感染的直接证据,但已显示出其可通过血液传播的可能性。材料和方法 在本报告中,10ml来自HE
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