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本研究以珊瑚石为培养载体,分析海水中无机氮与活性磷酸盐的变化、微生物膜的形态和底栖硅藻的种类,并比较附苗器上微生物膜培养时间对大珠母贝幼虫附着率的影响。结果显示:添加营养盐时可溶性无机氮和活性磷酸盐质量浓度均随时间逐渐下降,至16 d基本稳定,分别较初始值减少了99.11%和84.78%,而未添加营养盐时可溶性无机氮和活性磷酸盐质量浓度均无明显变化;添加营养盐的海水中培养了17 d的珊瑚石表面附着的硅藻包括菱形藻属、圆筛藻属、双眉藻属等,与球状细菌、胞外分泌物等共同形成微生物膜;未添加营养盐的海水中培养了17 d的珊瑚石表面附着的硅藻主要有异极藻属、胸隔藻属和曲壳藻属等,微生物膜结构相对疏松,珊瑚石孔洞间几乎没有微生物膜;在添加营养盐的微生物膜培养水体中处理4 d的附苗器48 h大珠母贝附苗率为25.78%,较对照组提升了9.87%,且显著高于处理2 d和3 d的附苗器附苗率。因此,自然海水中可以培育形成底栖硅藻和细菌微生物膜,促进大珠母贝幼虫附着。 In this study, the coral stone culture carrier, analysis of seawater inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate changes in microbial membrane morphology and species of benthic diatoms, and compared with the attached device on the microbial culture membrane larvae attached to large pearl Rate of impact. The results showed that the contents of soluble inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate decreased gradually with the increase of nutrient salts, and remained stable at 16 days, decreasing by 99.11% and 84.78% respectively compared with the initial values. However, the contents of soluble inorganic nitrogen and soluble inorganic nitrogen There was no significant change in the mass concentration of active phosphate. The diatoms attached to the surface of coral in the seawater supplemented with nutrient salt for 17 days included Rhodophycea, Cnidium, Abrus, etc., and globular bacteria, extracellular secretion Etc. formed the microbial membrane together. The diatoms attached to the surface of the coral on the 17th day after cultured in seawater without nutrients were mainly Algae, Pleuropneumonia, and Tragacanth. Microbial membrane structure was relatively loose, There was almost no microbial membrane between coralline holes. The rate of the attached seedlings was 25.78% in 48 h after the 4-day incubation with the addition of nutrient salt, which was 9.87% higher than that of the control group In the treatment of 2 d and 3 d attached vaccine attached rate. As a result, benthic diatoms and bacterial microbial membranes can be bred in natural seawater to promote larvae adhering to Larvae.
铁三院标准处文正工厂发行的胶印缩图目录,本刊在71年5~6期已介绍一批,现将最近发行者再补充如下: Iron Standard House at the text of the factory is the offset printing
1、你能将自然数1—9排列在下面6个正方形的四角,使每个正方形四角的4个数之和等于20吗? 2、你能把自然数1—13排列在下面11个正方形的四角,使每个正方形四角的4个数之和等
我院1961年8月编印的标准設計图紙目录中截有現行图紙: 1.1960午3月編制的綫4500,P-38公斤鋼軌4(1/2)号钝角辙叉;2.1960年2月编制的线4510,P一44.6公斤纲轨4(1/2)号钝角辙叉
两个推销员的眼光为什么不同? 有两个制鞋厂的推销员,到一个遥远的海岛上推销皮鞋,他们乘飞机又转乘轮船,一路风尘,登上了这美丽而神秘的海岛,他们发现整个海岛的人都是赤着
第一、二、三、四設計院、铁路专业設計院、电务設計事务所、各鉄路局、西北、东北、西南、华北、大桥工程局: 铁路专业設計院于今年7月20日至22日在北京召开了全路勘測設計