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2002年2月2日,《文汇报》“文艺百家”版刊出了北京广播学院语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生陈晓宁的文章《十字街头,我的语言课堂》。文汇报社同时邀请了北广语言传播研究所所长于根元、北广播音主持艺术学院讲师张俐等人与该报记者一起就这一话题进行了座谈。专家们指出,十字街头的语言实际上是对“社会用语”的形象表达。早在80年代.国内已有学者开始收集、研究社会用语。1987年,国家语委首次推出了“社会用语”的提法,并将其列为语委所属的语言文字应用研究所的一个重点课题。研究者们开始分头到全国许多地方去调查和采风。专家们一致认为,十字街头的语言常常能通俗、直接、灵敏地反映出社会的变化和发展。它是语言艺术中最活跃的一部分,也是最丰富多彩的一部分。此外,座谈会还形成了如下若干共识:一是庸俗化的语言表达不宜提倡,二是语言背后的急功近利的心态和倾向值得注意,三是要在全社会倡导真诚、美好的语言表达,来推动社会进步。 On February 2nd, 2002, the “Hundred Papers” edition of Wen Wei Po published the article “Cross Street, My Language Class” by Chen Xiaoning, a graduate student of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at the Beijing Broadcasting Institute. The Wenhui Powell also invited Yu Genyuan, director of the Beiguang Institute of Language Communication, and Zhang Jian, lecturer of the North Broadcasting Academy of Art, to discuss the topic with the reporter of the newspaper. Experts pointed out that cross-street language is actually a visual expression of “social language.” As early as the 1980s, some domestic scholars began to collect and study social terms. In 1987, the National Language Commission introduced the formulation of “social language” for the first time, and listed it as a key topic of the Language and Character Application Institute of the Language Committee. Researchers began to split up and go to many parts of the country to investigate and collect ideas. Experts agreed that cross-street language can often reflect the changes and developments of society in a popular, direct, and sensitive manner. It is the most active part of the language art and it is also the most colorful part. In addition, the symposium also formed several consensuses: First, vulgarized language expression should not be promoted; second, the mentality and inclination of eager for quick successes and benefits behind the language are worth noting; third, it is necessary to promote sincere and beautiful language expression in the whole society to promote social progress.
完成单位 :福建医科大学基础医学院 ,南京军区福州总医院主要完成人员 :陈振斌 ,庄永泽 ,梁 平 ,郑智勇 ,谢福安研究起止时间 :1 992年 1月~ 1 998年 8月获奖种类及等级 :福
膀胱癌是男性第四位常见恶性肿瘤 ,女性第八位常见恶性肿瘤[1] 。 70 %以上膀胱癌患者首诊时为浅表性癌 (T1,Ta ,Tis) [2 ] 。目前处理膀胱癌的方法 :浅表性者给予经尿道电切治疗 ,
笔者于 1 997年 4月设计出改良乙状结肠新膀胱术 ,并对 6例膀胱癌患者施行手术 ,效果满意 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法1 .1   临床资料本组 6例 ,均为男性 ,年龄 47~ 65岁。
前列腺的梗阻症状 (排空障碍 )与两个因素有关[1] :增大腺体的体积和前列腺基质平滑肌的张力。膀胱刺激症状 (储尿障碍 )与由出口梗阻引起的膀胱功能不全更密切。然而BPH、BOO和症
目的 探讨肾癌的早期诊断与治疗。方法 对 1980年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月收治的 136例肾癌患者进行回顾性总结。结果  136例患者经临床病理诊断为肾癌 ,Ⅰ +Ⅱ期 ,Ⅲ +Ⅳ期 5
目的 了解前列腺素E1 (PGE1 )对慢性肾功能不全患者的治疗作用。方法 将 46例病人随机分为治疗组 2 8例 ,对照组 18例 ,治疗组用PGE1 2 0 0 μg加入 5 %葡萄糖注射液或生理
急性左心衰竭 (心衰 )是慢性肾功能衰竭 (CRF)患者的主要死亡原因之一 ,发生率为 4 5 %左右[1] ,其发病急骤 ,病情危重 ,需及时有效的治疗才能缓解心衰的症状 ,抢救生命 ,为进一
After the renal cell carcinoma related novel gene fragment GYLZ-RCC18 was cloned by using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), we used the SMART RACE te