Phenotypic classification of gastric signet ring cell carcinoma and its relationship with clinicopat

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:djjsl
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AIM: To distinguish subtypes of gastric signet ring cell (SRC) carcinoma by investigating the expression of gastric and intestinal phenotypic markers, and to study the significance of phenotypic classification in predicting tumor progression and outcome. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed in 66 cases of SRC carcinoma with MUC2, VILLIN, CDX2, Li-cadherin antibodies as intestinal phenotype markers and MUC5AC, HGM, MUC6 antibodies as gastric phenotype markers, and the relationship was analyzed between the phenotypic expression pattern and clinicopathologic parameters, as well as the 3-year survival rate. RESULTS: Expression of intestinal phenotypic markers was positively associated with tumor size, wall invasion, vascular invasion, lymph node metastasis and tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage. Cases expressing one or more intestinal markers had a significant lower survival rate than cases expressing none of the intestinal markers. CONCLUSION: The SRC carcinomas expressing intestinal phenotype markers exhibited a high pro-liferative potential, bad biological behaviors and poor prognosis. Examination of phenotype expression may be useful in distinguishing histological type and in predicting the prognosis of gastric SRC carcinoma. AIM: To distinguish subtypes of gastric signet ring cell (SRC) carcinoma by investigating the expression of gastric and intestinal phenotypic markers, and to study the significance of phenotypic classification in predicting tumor progression and outcome. METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was performed in 66 cases of SRC carcinoma with MUC2, VILLIN, CDX2, Li-cadherin antibodies as intestinal phenotype markers and MUC5AC, HGM, MUC6 antibodies as gastric phenotype markers, and the relationship was analyzed between the phenotypic expression pattern and clinicopathologic parameters, as well as the 3-year survival rate. RESULTS: Expression of intestinal phenotypic markers was positively associated with tumor size, wall invasion, vascular invasion, lymph node metastasis and tumor-node-metastasis (TNM) stage. Cases expressing one or more intestinal markers had a significant lower survival rate than cases expressing none of the intestinal markers. CONCLUSION: The SRC carcinomas expressing intestina phenotype markers exhibited a high pro-liferative potential, bad biological behaviors and poor prognosis. Examination of phenotype expression may be useful in distinguishing histological type and in predicting the prognosis of gastric SRC carcinoma.
本刊讯 :中国政府代表团成员近日在东京与日本农林水产省官员就恢复中国禽类加工制品进口日本一事展开协商 ,并达成了一定共识。中国驻日使馆商务处有关人士证实了此一消息 ,
5月初从大连理工大学图书馆国际期刊咨询室传来消息 ,本刊又被俄罗斯《文摘杂志》(PЖ )列为收录刊源。这是我院理科学报在 1 995年公开以来 ,除了被美国《数学评论》(MR)、
中根千枝《日本社会》以“纵式结构”做出对日本社会的新阐释    日本的社会结构究竟是怎样的?它的社会文化背景又是什么?读读中根千枝的《日本社会》一书,会有助于我们对这些问题的了解。  中根千枝教授是日本著名的社会人类学家,现在东京大学任教,并担任该校东洋文化研究所所长。她是以“纵式社会”论闻名于国际社会人类学界的。所谓“纵式结构”,系指亲子关系、上下级关系等社会联系在社会生活中居主要地位。而“横式