,Thermodynamic Interpretation of Field Equations at Horizon of BTZ Black Hole

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfs888
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A spacetime horizon comprising with a black hole singularity acts like a boundary of a thermal system associated with the notions of temperature and entropy. In the case of static metric of Banados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) black hole, the Reid equations near the horizon boundary can be expressed as a thermal identity dE = TdS+PrdA, where E = M is the mass of BTZ black hole, dA is the change in the area of the black hole horizon when the horizon is displaced innnitesimally small, Pr is the radial pressure provided by the source of Einstein equations, S = 4πa is the entropy and T = κ/2π is the Hawking temperature associated with the horizon. This approach is studied further to generalize it for non-static BTZ black hole, showing that it is also possible to interpret the field equation near horizon as a thermodynamic identity dE = TdS + PrdA + Ω+dJ, where Ω+ is the angular velocity and J is the angular momentum of BTZ black hole. These results indicate that the Geld equations for BTZ black hole possess intrinsic thermodynamic properties near the horizon.
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(一)  就说我们那“和蔼可亲”的物理老师,不惑之年,每天一副乐呵呵的样子,典型的方块脸,眼睛总是迷得像一条细缝,就好似年轻了几十岁的弥勒佛。早在我见到他第一面的时候,我就对他那富有魔性的声音“着迷”——你绝对想不到,如此一个五大三粗的男人,说起话来却是“拿腔拿调”,就差没俏皮地翘个兰花指了。  一天到晚,他的表情总是僵硬的——一副夸张的显现在脸上的、若有若无的笑容,自从“在人群中多看了他一眼”,