
来源 :中国食品 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongyi02w
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为适应近年来深化改革的需要,满足读者关心食品消费所涉及的社会问题的愿望,我刊新辟“新潮食话”这一栏目,内容包括:一、反思中国传统饮食文化的利弊得失;二、议论当代食品生产与流通体制的变革;三、就以上题目,介绍、对比国外饮食文化及食品生产、消费的情况;四、您认为应该写而尚无人写的、与食有关的“热门话题”.希望广大读者及经济、历史、哲学、文学、艺术、新闻、教育、卫生、营养各界学人在此栏目争鸣、探讨,以弘扬中华民族饮食文化. In order to meet the needs of deepening reforms in recent years and meet the readers’ desire to be concerned about the social issues involved in food consumption, I published a section entitled “New Trend Food Words”, which includes: First, reflecting the pros and cons of traditional Chinese food culture; , Talk about the contemporary food production and distribution system reform; Third, the above topics, introduction, comparison of foreign food culture and food production and consumption situation; Fourth, you think you should write but no one has written, and food-related “hot Topic. ”I hope that readers and economists, history, philosophy, literature, art, journalism, education, health, nutrition scholars from all walks of life in this column to contention, explore, to promote the Chinese nation’s diet culture.
Objective: The aim of this study was to explore expression and correlation of Ezrin and survivin in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods: Expression of E
一、俄式烤馅饼1.制皮:和好面(数量随需要而定,用发面也可),揉匀揪50克左右的剂擀皮. First, the Russian baking pie 1. Leatherworking: Harmony noodles (the number as
原料:油发鲜猪蹄筋400克,鸡蛋清4只量,水发香菇、冬笋、绿叶菜各适量,火腿末少许,粗盐、味精、胡椒粉、葱花、姜末、葱结、姜块、鸡汤(清)各适量. Raw materials: 400g of
图一:主料:草鱼1条.配料:青椒、冬笋、香菇、葱、姜、玉米粉、鸡蛋.调料:料酒、盐、味精、胡椒粉、花生油. Figure 1: Ingredients: grass carp 1. Ingredients: green pep
波丝油糕原料:面粉250克,猪油150克,蜜枣100克,蜜玫瑰10克,白糖50克,清水200克,植物油500克,芝麻10克,冬瓜条20克. Ingredients: 250 grams of flour, 150 grams of lard,
原料:大葱白1000克,荔枝100克,羊肉(或猪肉)200克,大油25克,海米10个,白糖15克,酱油25克,大蒜、精盐、醋各适量. Ingredients: 1000 grams of green onions, 100 grams of
豆腐的发源地——安徽省寿县八公乡大泉村,这里家家户户磨豆腐,驰名中外.八公山气候温和,山上有两口井,一口名大泉,一口名马跑泉,井里优质矿泉水终年不 The birthplace of