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目的了解新疆黑热病流行病学特征,掌握疫情动态趋势,为疫情监测及制定防控措施提供科学依据。方法使用Spss 19.0和Epi Info 3.5.3软件,对中国疾病疫情监测信息管理系统中2004—2014年新疆黑热病疫情数据和监测数据进行描述流行病学分析。结果 2004—2014年新疆累计报告黑热病1 588例,年均发病率0.686 7/10万;累计发病数(或年均发病率)最高的地区为喀什地区,最高的县为伽师县;病例主要集中在秋季(9—11月)、占总发病人数的35.92%,10月是发病的最高峰;以散居儿童为主、占总发病人数的55.88%,10岁以下年龄组为高发人群、占总发病数的77.58%,其中2岁以下婴幼儿发病数最多、占总发病人数的53.09%;男性多于女性,男女之比为1.47∶1。结论近十一年来新疆黑热病总体呈下降趋势,灭蛉与普查和普治患者是控制黑热病流行的有效措施。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of kala-azar in Xinjiang and to grasp the trend of epidemic situation so as to provide a scientific basis for epidemic situation monitoring and prevention and control measures. Methods Spss 19.0 and Epi Info 3.5.3 software were used to describe the epidemiological data of epidemic situation and surveillance data of kala-azar in Xinjiang from 2004 to 2014 in China’s disease outbreak surveillance information management system. Results A total of 1 588 cases of kala-azar were reported in Xinjiang from 2004 to 2014, with an average annual incidence of 0.686 7/10 000. The highest cumulative incidence (or annual average incidence) was in Kashi Prefecture, with the highest county being Jiashi County. The major cases Concentrated in the autumn (September-November), accounting for 35.92% of the total number of patients, the highest incidence in October; mainly for scattered children, accounting for 55.88% of the total number of patients, the age group of 10 years of age is a high incidence of the crowd, accounting for The total incidence of 77.58%, of which infants under the age of 2 the most incidence, accounting for 53.09% of the total number of cases; more men than women, male to female ratio was 1.47: 1. Conclusion In recent eleven years, the overall incidence of kala-azar in Xinjiang has been on a downward trend. Both extinction and census and general treatment are effective measures to control the epidemic of kala-azar.
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有一天,消息播报员小喜鹊在广播室里喊道:“好消息!好消息!森林中一年一度的跑步比赛开始了。今年的选手是小乌龟和小兔子,请大家快快前往比赛场地!”小动物们听后,立刻跑到场地边,迫不及待地等着裁判员发号施令。旁边的啦啦队员们已经准备好为小兔子加油了。  这时,只听一声枪响,比赛开始了!大白鹅是解说员,它那扁扁的嘴一张一合正在解说着,声音非常难听,不过大家都没在意,都目不转睛地看着比赛。  比赛进行了五