A new type of oceanic crust and its dynamical significance

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhchbetty
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THE oceanic lithosphere is composed of oceanic crust and upper mantle. It is widely accepted that the Troodos ophiolitic section represents the oceanic crust section, which consists of ultramafic cumulates in the bottom, and grades upward into cumulative gabbros, isotropic gabbro, sheeted dikes and pillow lavas, covered by abyssal sediments. According to the marine geophysical investigation, the oceanic crust can be divided into three layers which from top to bot- THE oceanic lithosphere is composed of oceanic crust and upper mantle. It is widely accepted that the Troodos ophiolitic section represents the oceanic crust section, which consists of ultramafic cumulates in the bottom, and grades upward into cumulative gabbros, isotropic gabbro, sheeted dikes and pillow lavas, covered by abyssal sediments. According to the marine geophysical investigation, the oceanic crust can be divided into three layers which from top to bot-
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