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新课标提出要重视对地理问题的探究,倡导自主学习,并提出教学要面向全体学生,充分发挥学生的主体作用。随着教学改革的深入进行,广大教师就利用自主学习方式进行地理教学进行了很多尝试,其中不乏成功的案例。现就《中国多媒体教学学报》(中学地理)中刊登的几个优秀的自主学习案例为例,共同探讨自主学习的几种途径。1.将课前的准备工作交给学生以往的教学,课前准备工作都是由教师来完成,借助书报、杂志、录像、网络等媒介查询资料进行整合。但是一个人的时间和能力是有限的,采取“将准备工作交给学生去做”是一个很好的方式,在锻炼学生搜集信息、处理信息能力的同时,激发了学生学习的兴趣,调动了学生的积极性。《环境问题的表现与分布》(发表在《中国多媒体教学学报》2006年第2期)教学案例中,教师课前设计了学案,将学案发给学生,自行进行预习。课堂上主要是通过学生网上阅览资料和学生间相互讨论,教师的适时指导,在完善学案的过程中完成自主学习。2.通过联系生活实际,创设情境,激发学生的学习兴趣及求知欲望“在生活中学习地理”是新课标的重要理念之一。《水资源的合理利用》(发表在《中国多媒体教学学报》2005年第3期)教学案例中,教师重组课本相关地理知识,寻找与学生自身联系更紧密的地理现象——“广东缺水?!”作为探究的主题,引导学生进行合作开放的探讨,通过各种途径进行深化学习。 The new curriculum standard puts emphasis on the exploration of geography issues, advocates self-directed learning, and proposes that teaching should be oriented to all students and give full play to the main role of students. With the deepening of teaching reforms, many teachers have made many attempts to use geography teaching with self-study methods. There are many successful cases. Here are a few examples of outstanding self-study cases published in the Journal of China Multimedia Teaching Journal (secondary school geography), discussing several approaches for independent learning. 1. The preparatory work will be given to the students’ previous teaching. The preparatory work will be completed by the teachers. The media will be integrated with books, magazines, videos, and the Internet. However, a person’s time and ability are limited. Taking a “preparation work for students to do” is a good way to stimulate students’ interest in learning while training students’ ability to collect information and process information. Motivated students’ enthusiasm. “The performance and distribution of environmental problems” (published in “China Multimedia Teaching Journal” 2006 the second period) teaching case, the teacher designed the case before class, the student case sent to students, prepare for themselves. In the class, the student mainly reads the information on the Internet and discusses with each other among the students. The teacher’s timely guidance completes the self-study in the course of improving the learning process. 2. By associating the reality of life, creating situations, stimulating students’ interest in learning and learning desire “Learning geography in life” is one of the important concepts of the new curriculum. “Reasonable Utilization of Water Resources” (published in “China Multimedia Teaching Journal”, No. 3, 2005) Teaching Cases, Teachers Reorganized Textbooks Related to Geographical Knowledge, Looking for Geographical Phenomenon More Closely Connected with Students -" Guangdong Water Shortage As a subject of inquiry, we will guide students in the discussion of cooperation and opening up and deepen learning through various means.
婺源从安徽过继到江西后,依然一副徽州模样。  几乎一夜之间,中国人疯狂地在地图上寻找婺源,拜倒在“中国最美的乡村”这句高调的广告词前。  那年,我驱车赴杭州特意绕道,用饱满的情感去窥视那传说中的婺源是否名符其实?  婺源既不勾魂也不迷情,这是一方踏实而纯粹的天地。我们找到了干净的天空、清香的田野、悦耳的水响和错落的古典。我们是水泥世界的昆虫,在颓废的色彩中,眼睛失去了应有的亮度,我们需要一根可以依
DARPA局长Cooper向主管研究和研制的军事小组委员会提出,苏联有一个旨在 生产粒子束武器、X射线激光器、准分子激光器和γ射线激光器的庞大的研究计划,美国务必对此作出响应
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泰勒博士认为美国应重视弹道导弹防御系统的研制和部署工作,以便充分利用美国明显领先于苏联的电子技术,特别是信息处理技术。 泰勒(斯丹福特大学胡佛研究所高级研究员)赞成部