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  The average life of a 1)hedgehog is pretty plain and simple. You have a bin, some blankets or 2)shavings, a wheel, and maybe a toilet paper tube. You get fed every day—maybe some cat food and the occasional 3)mealworm or cricket. You have a bottle of fresh water that is available any time you want it. It’s a nice life. A good life. I was the average hedgehog, but my life was as far from average as you could ever imagine.
  My name is Glacier. I was named at an early age for my snow white 4)quills by my new family. I was born in the warm, friendly city of Tampa, Florida on January 9, 2004. I lived my first few weeks not knowing what was beyond the walls of my temporary home. After my 8th week of life, I was brought to a large, nice home in a plastic box. As I scrambled around in the box, three giants stared down at me with 5)bugged eyes, awaiting my every move.
  That’s when I heard my new name for the first time, “Glacier!” The other two giants nodded and smiled in agreement. And from that moment on I was a part of this happy family.
  I began my journey in this new family, living in a normal bin, in the room of a little boy named Jake. He would poke his head into my bin and watch me eat, drink, and play with the most cheerful smile on his face. He would often pick me up and place me under his shirt. Then I would wait for him to shove his head into his shirt and watch me some more. I was extremely nervous and uncomfortable and would simply ball up into a sphere and wait for him to put me back. He was patient but often attempted to get me to show him my face and get comfortable on his warm skin. It was an exciting day for Jake when I decided that he wasn’t going to harm me, and I simply relaxed on his chest and went to sleep. This was the final bond between me and my new best friend.
  In Tampa, I was often taken out of my bin, and shown to new people in new places. I was taken into stores and hidden so I wouldn’t be seen. When people would try to pet me close to my face, I would 6)huff and 7)puff and Jake would scold the person. I would be brought to a place full of mini people oooing and awwwing as I would sit on desks stunned, but every thing would be fine because I knew that Jake would be right behind me.
  In the next few years, our family moved a lot. During the first adventure I was loaded into a small black bag with 8)mesh sides, and placed on top of a suitcase in a large silver van. With one last goodbye to our home, we were off. I sat on the side of the bag and watched the world fly by. The three day trip left me exhausted and confused, so I was overjoyed when we reached our next new home. Our new bedroom was small but roomy. Each day Jake would sit with me on his front porch and look at the Rocky Mountains off in the distance. I loved the freshness and beauty of our backyard and environment that we lived in. I was often brought outside to explore the grass with Jake 9)standing over me, protecting me. There was even room to adventure in the inside of the house. I would run around on the hardwood floor and do whatever I wanted. It was great.
  As Jake grew older, he got into friends and sports and video games but always made sure I had all the attention I needed. He always made time to hold me and make sure I was happy. Nothing could separate us.
  One night in May 2009, Jake walked into our room to find me lying on my side with blood on my stomach. I didn’t know what was happening, but I was in a lot of pain. Jake and his mother took me to the animal hospital. We learned that I had kidney stones and 10)arthritis in my lower back. Jake started to feed me more mealworms and different foods—like hedgehog formula food and pears—but that meant I got to spend even more time with him. Soon afterwards, I got 11)cataracts in my left eye and I lost sight in it, but that was just the beginning.
  Later that year I lost control of my back leg. Jake took even more care of me and made sure I was doing fine every day. I no longer walked around; I just sat and waited for Jake to hold me against his chest.
  One night after Jake finished his homework, he gently took me out of my bin, held me against his warm face and talked to me 12)delicately. Jake put me in his mother’s arms and got ready for bed. While in the affectionate comforting arms of my 13)surrogate mother, I started to 14)smack my lips and got an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Jake started to worry and begged his mother to call the emergency 15)vet. I couldn’t tell him but I knew I didn’t have much time left.
  Jake took me in a blanket and scrambled to the car. We were off in minutes to a 16)veterinary emergency room in a small town 30 minutes away. Jake held me close to his chest and just talked to me. I stayed as still and calm as possible and just looked at him with my one good eye.
  I had lived a great long life. I had many adventures and got everything a hedgehog could ever ask for: A loving family, a great home and a best friend. And as we pulled into the parking lot, with him stroking my cheek, our eyes connected and I said one last goodbye to my good buddy Jake.
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