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一个国家的文化软实力如何,在很大程度上可以通过别国民众对该国文化影响力的认知来考量,因为与抽象的政治和经济相比,文化元素更贴近大众,普通民众更有机会接触到贴近生活的各种文化元素。因此,别国民众对一国文化的感兴趣程度和认同程度可以反映该国文化软实力的强弱。中国是具有五千年历史的文明古国,中华文化博大精深,不仅为海内外中华儿女所引以为豪,也在国际上有一定的影响力和感召力。德国在国际社会中具有重要影响力,作为世界第四大经济体,德国与中国在经贸等“硬实力”领域联系密切。不仅如此,中德两国涉及软实力的文化交流也在不断加强。笔者曾在德国留学,对中国文化在德国的传播状况有所了解。希望借此研究,让国内民众了解德国人如何看待中国文化,找到我国文化对外传播中的优势和不足,进而有针对性地采取措施改善中国文化软实力在德国以及其他西方国家被认知的现状,更好地发展我国的文化软实力,以使我国在国际交往中出于更加有利的位置。 To a large extent, the cultural soft power of a country can be considered through the awareness of other peoples on the country’s cultural influence because the cultural elements are closer to the general public than the abstract politics and economy, and the ordinary people have more Opportunity to reach a variety of cultural elements close to life. Therefore, the level of public interest in a country’s culture and degree of identity can reflect the strengths and weaknesses of the country’s cultural soft power. As an ancient civilized country with 5,000 years of history, China is profound and profound. It not only boasts pride in its sons and daughters at home and abroad, but also has certain international influence and charisma. Germany has an important influence in the international community. As the fourth largest economy in the world, Germany and China are closely linked to the “hard power” areas of economy and trade. Moreover, the cultural exchanges between China and Germany concerning soft power are also constantly strengthening. I have studied in Germany and have some understanding of the spread of Chinese culture in Germany. I hope this study can help people in China understand how the Germans view Chinese culture and find the advantages and disadvantages of our country’s cultural communication with foreign countries so as to take targeted measures to improve the perceived status of Chinese cultural soft power in Germany and other western countries So as to better develop our country’s cultural soft power in order to give our country a more favorable position in international exchanges.
在中国,人们对于联想的关注要远远多于对其它 IT 企业,不仅仅是因为联想是国内最大的 IT 企业,更是因为联想代表了中国 IT 企业成长的历程,她是中国 IT 业成长的一个缩影。19
在北京第四届高新技术国际周会场上,曾于1999年5月被美国《财富》杂志评为美国的七大制造业英雄之一、现任美国国家工程院院士的艾斯苯(AspenTech)公司董事长兼首席执行官 L
IDC 自去年从美国传入中国以来,早已名噪天下且频见于报端。但回顾现今 ISP.ICP 在中国的发展.我们发现拷贝过来的美国模式在中国并没有成功,于是,探寻一套行之有效的中国模