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中国是落后的农业国家。人民的生活,从来就不曾在过水平之上。二千年间,在封建地主的重重压榨下,农民生活日益困苦,没有好的穿,没有好的吃,没有好的住。一百年来,随着帝国主义势力的侵入,西方的科学文明;虽然也输入中国,可是轮不到中国广大农民的份。农民的居室敝陋,衣著褴褛,环境污垢,空气混浊,在这种情况之下,各种病菌自然容易蔓延滋生,而且难以扑灭,潜伏在各地,待机侵蚀人的生命。所以一切传染病之在中国猖獗;是有其社会的内在原因的。这些疾病,跟中国人争取解放一样,也需要一个时期的斗争,才能 China is a backward agricultural country. People’s life has never been above the level. During the two thousand years, peasants lived an increasingly difficult life under the severe squeeze of feudal landlords, they did not wear well, did not eat well, did not live well. For a hundred years, with the invasion of imperialist forces, the scientific civilization in the West, although also imported into China, can not reach the share of the vast majority of Chinese peasants. Farmers living room is poor, dirty clothes, environmental dirt, air turbidity, in which case, a variety of natural bacteria easily spread breeding, and difficult to extinguish, lurking around, standby erosion of human life. Therefore, all infectious diseases are rampant in China; they are the inherent causes of their society. Like the Chinese people’s struggle for liberation, these diseases also require a period of struggle and talent
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开拓大市场 盘活小港站杨永庆(哈尔滨船务公司,黑龙江150000)哈尔滨船务公司(原松花江航运局)沿松花江(上至吉林省扶余的长春岭。下至黑龙江省通河县的清河)有IS个港务站。占有土地16.7万平方米
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