自80年代中后期以来,药物溶栓和急诊PTCA治疗使急性心肌梗死(AMI)的治疗有了革命性的转变,使AMI的病死率显著地下降。我院自1994年以来也逐步开展了对AMI患者的药物溶栓和急诊PTCA治疗,现将4年中接受不同治疗的AMI患者的死亡资料进行如下分析。1 临?..
Since the mid-1980s, drug thrombolysis and emergency PTCA have revolutionized the management of acute myocardial infarction (AMI), resulting in a significant reduction in the mortality of AMI. Our hospital since 1994 has also gradually carried out on patients with AMI thrombolysis and emergency PTCA treatment, now 4 years of treatment of patients with AMI mortality data are analyzed as follows. 1 Pro?