1.故障原因 (1)液压油污染颗粒污染物对元件的磨损很大程度上取决于颗粒污染物道尺寸与运动副间隙值的对比关系。若颗粒尺寸比间隙值小得多,一般不会产生磨损或只产生轻微的磨损。只有颗粒尺寸与间隙值接近相等
1. Fault causes (1) hydraulic oil pollution Particle contaminants wear and tear on the components to a large extent depends on the size of particle contaminant track and movement of the gap between the value of the gap. If the particle size is much smaller than the clearance value, there is generally no or only slight wear. Only the particle size is close to the gap value