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  2015年7月9日 粮农组织今天发布的最新月度食品价格指数和新一期《作物前景与粮食形势》季度报告指出,全球食品价格指数在6月份比上个月下降了0.9%;今年全球谷物产量有望超过预期,但撒哈拉以南非洲地区玉米产量大幅下滑和其他粮食不安全热点地区收成欠佳令人关注。
  粮农组织市场和贸易司经济学家阿姆拉克(Mamoun Amrouk)在接受记者采访时指出,6月份的食品价格指数比去年同期下降了21%,是自2009年9月以来的最低水平,粮食价格指数比2014年6月下降了44点,下降幅度如此之大的原因是国际市场农产品供应充足。今年世界谷物产量预计将达到25.27亿吨。
  July 9, 2015 According to the latest release of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) monthly Food Price Index and the new edition of the quarterly Crop Prospects and Food Situation report, pointing out the Food Price Index declined 0.9 percent in June compared to May. At 165.1 points, it is now down 21 percent compared to a year ago and at its lowest level since September 2009. The world yield of cereal may go beyond the estimate, but concerns over a sharp shortfall in maize grown in sub-Saharan Africa, as well as poor production in other food insecure hotspot areas is growing.
  Mamoun Amrouk, Economist of Trade and Markets Division of FAO pointed out while receiving an interview that, the Food Price Index is now down 21 percent compared to a year ago and at its lowest level since September 2009. It is also down 44 percent compared to June 2014. Such a large drop is mainly cause by the sufficient supply of the international agricultural market. The estimated cereal yield of the world this year is up to 2.527 billion tons.
  Crop Prospects and Food Situation report released by FAO earlier the day points out that despite the favorable prospects for world cereal production, the food insecurity of many areas in the Africa is still worrying. There are 34 countries worldwide, including 28 in Africa which host large numbers of refugees. They are in need of external assistance for food. In addition, the Near East region is seeing escalating humanitarian crisis. Yemen in particular stands out, where of 12.9 million food insecure people about 6.1 million are in “Emergency” Phase, while 6.8 million are in “Crisis” Phase, representing a 21 percent increase over the previous year.
  The report estimates that the wheat harvest of China and Pakistan will break the record, while in Nepal, drops in food production are caused by earthquake damage. Besides, in the Democratic Republic of Korea, a severe dry spell is expected to result in reduced cereal production in 2015.
Reported by Xiao Guangyi (intern) Translated by Li Yi  Having been through the violence and conflict, as well as the natural disasters, President of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapaksa, made a speech with al
据香港媒体报道,各国政府为鼓励民众多用公共交通工具,均采用不同的方法,但迪拜政府所用的方法应该是最吸引和最有效的。迪拜政府为庆祝11月1日的公共交通日,民众若不驾驶私家车外出,改为乘坐公共交通工具,便有机会获赠4公斤的黄金。  据外媒引述《海湾新闻》网站报道,作为庆祝公共交通日的活动,迪拜民众若能于接下来的一周弃用私家车,改为使用地铁及巴士等公共交通工具代步,就有机会透过抽奖及其它惊喜方法,获赠4
2015年7月20日 联合国安理会7月20日就核不扩散问题举行公开会议,并一致表决通过了第2133号决议,对伊朗核问题六国——美国、英国、法国、俄罗斯、中国、德国,上周在维也纳与伊朗就全面、长期和妥善解决伊朗核问题达成的“联合全面行动计划”表示赞同和支持,要求国际原子能机构对伊朗落实执行行动计划的情况开展核查和监测,并考虑“逐步取消”与伊朗核项目相关的所有制裁措施。联合国秘书长潘基文当天特别发表声
2015年7月6日 第39届联合国教科文组织世界遗产委员会会议早些时候在德国波恩完成了新增世界遗产审议工作,并决定将24处新申报的遗产列入“世界遗产名录”,其中包括中国土司遗址,由此使得中国的世界遗产数目前达到48处,稳居全球第二,仅次于意大利的51处。  以湖南永顺老司城遗址、湖北唐崖土司城遗址和贵州播州海龙屯遗址为代表的中国土司遗址在本届世界遗产大会上获得委员会成员一致通过,成功入选世界文化遗
The data shows that at present over 50% of the population in the world have already lived in cities, and by 2030, nearly 60% of the population in the world, namely about 5 billion, will inhabit in cit
2015年7月20日 挪威难民理事会(Norwegian Refugee Council)下设的“境内流离失所监测中心(The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre)”7月20日在日内瓦发布最新报告称,在过去七年中,平均每秒钟就有一个人因自然灾害而流徙;单在2014年一年,全球共有1930多万人因此背井离乡。报告称,世界各地的政策制定者正在积极推进出台20
The extreme weathers brought by global climate change at present, like draught, flood, freeze injury, hail, haze and sandstorm are directly affecting the global ecological system safety and bringing s
2015年7月10日 世界银行集团等多边开发银行和国际货币基金组织7月10日表示,计划在未来三年提供超过4000亿美元资金,并承诺加强与私营和公共部门伙伴的合作,以帮助调动资源来应对实现可持续发展目标的挑战。  这一计划是在即将于7月13至16日在亚的斯亚贝巴举行的第三届国际发展融资会议前夕宣布的。10日做出承诺的国际金融机构包括,世界银行集团、国际货币基金组织、非洲开发银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲复
2015年7月10日 7月11日“世界人口日(World Population Day)”,今年的主题是:紧急情况下的弱势群体(Vulnerable Populations in Emergencies)。联合国秘书长潘基文以及联合国人口基金执行主任奥索蒂梅欣(Babatunde Osotimehin)分别发表声明,呼吁国际社会关注强迫流离失所者等脆弱人群、特别是其中妇女和儿童的权利和需求,帮助他