
来源 :甘肃税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oswaldhui
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武威地区国税局根据地委、行署《关于在全区实行公务分开的意见和开展公务公开试点二作的通知》精神,安排部署在全区国税系统开展公务公开试点工作。武威地区国税系统公务公开包括地、市国税机关内部和面向纳税人服务两个方面。机关内部公务公开重点公开“两个文明”建设等重大决策,各项规章制度的制定、施落、落实情况;干部的选拔、任免以及录用、调进、调出等情况;各项收费、罚款的依据、标准和项目等与群众切身利益相关的事项;机关财务收支运行情况和经费分配;领异干部登记上交的礼品、申报的个人收入、报告的重大事项等廉洁自律情况;其它需要向群众公开的事项。机关内部公务公开办事程序,公开办事依据,公开办事结果,公开选人用人,公开财务收支的“五公开”原则。面向纳税人服务公开主要从税务登记、发票领购、税款征收、纳税额核定、税收政策、办税服务程序等六个方面公开。规定公开具体 In accordance with the spirit of “Notice Concerning the Implementation of Separate Public Service in the Region and the Second Pilotage of Public Service,” the State Administration of Taxation in Wuwei Prefecture arranged for deployment in the national taxation system of the entire district to conduct a public trial of public service. Wuwei area national tax system official openness, including the municipal and municipal tax authorities within and for taxpayers services in two aspects. Public internal organs of the public key open “two civilizations ” construction and other major decisions, the formulation of the rules and regulations, facilities, the implementation of the situation; cadre selection, appointment and removal, and hiring, transfer, transfer and so on; The basis for fines, standards and projects related to the vital interests of the masses; the operation and distribution of financial revenues and expenditures of the organs; the self-discipline and self-discipline of registered gifts submitted by the leading cadres, personal incomes declared and major issues reported; Other things that need to be publicized to the public. The internal affairs of the public service procedures, open work basis, open service results, open selection of personnel, public financial revenue and expenditure of the “five open” principle. Public service for taxpayers mainly from six aspects of tax registration, invoice purchase, tax collection, tax payment verification, tax policy, tax service procedures and so on. Provisions specific to the public
一、国内、外常用制剂 (一)雌激素制剂过去根据化学结构将雌激素分成两大类:一类属于天然雌激素,以雌二醇为代表;另一类属合成雌激素,以己烯雌酚为代表。近年来,对于雌激素