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党内公文的处理工作,是一项政治性、专业性很强的工作。按照党要管党、党政分工等原则,党内公文在企业中的处理工作,理所当然地应该由企业的党委部门来承担。由于企业在改革过程中,党政一把手时而为一人,时而为二人;企业的党委部门和工作人员不断调整,以及其他一些原因,某些基层企业出现了企业行政部门承担党内公文处理工作的现象。 企业行政部部门承担党内公文处理工作,主要内 Party official document processing, is a political, highly specialized work. In accordance with the principle that the party should manage the party and divide the party and the government, the handling of the official document in the enterprise by the party should, of course, be undertaken by the party department of the enterprise. Since enterprises in the process of reform, party and government leaders sometimes from one person, sometimes two people; corporate party departments and staff continue to adjust, and for some other reasons, some grass-roots enterprises appear corporate administrative departments to deal with the party’s official documents phenomenon. The department of enterprise administration undertakes the work of handling official documents in the party, mainly within
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目的:探讨c-Jun氨基末端蛋白激酶/应激激活蛋白(JNK/SAPK)在坐骨神经结扎神经病理性疼痛中的作用。 方法:建立大鼠坐骨神经结扎(CCI)神经病理性疼痛模型,应用免疫组织化学方