Partial melting and crust-mantle interaction in subduction channels:Constraints from experimental pe

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fengying
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It is proposed in the subduction channel model that the plate interface interaction is a basic mechanism for the mass and energy exchange between Earth’s surface and interior.The significant difference in composition and nature between continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere inevitably leads to variations in deep physical and chemical processes as well as crust-mantle interaction products in these two settings.Many studies of experimental petrology have provided constraints on the potential partial melting and crust-mantle interaction in oceanic subduction channels for silicate and carbonate rocks.The partial melts of mafic and felsic compositions are adakitic or non-adakitic granitic melts depending on melting pressure or depth.A trivial amount of CO2 can lower significantly the melting temperature of peridotites and lead to pronounced enrichment of incompatible elements in carbonate melt.The silica saturated or unsaturated melts can react with mantle-wedge peridotites in subduction channels to generate complex products.However,the existing experiments are mostly dedicated to island arc settings above oceanic subduction zones rather than dehydration melting above continental subduction zones.It is crucial to conduct high pressure and high temperature experiments to investigate all possible reactions between peridotites and crustal materials and their derivatives under the conditions responsible for the slab-mantle interface in continental subduction channels.Experimental results,combined with natural observations,are possible to elucidate the processes of metamorphic dehydration,partial melting and mantle metasomatism in continental subduction channels. It is proposed in the subduction channel model that the plate interface interaction is a basic mechanism for the mass and energy exchange between Earth’s surface and interior. Significant difference in composition and nature between continental lithosphere and oceanic lithosphere inevitably leads to variations in deep physical and chemical processes as well as crust-mantle interaction products in these two settings. Many studies of experimental petrology have provided constraints on the potential partial melting and crust-mantle interaction in oceanic subduction channels for silicate and carbonate rocks. The partial melts of mafic and felsic compositions are adakitic or non-adakitic granitic melts depending on melting pressure or depth. A trivial amount of CO2 can lower significantly the melting temperature of peridotites and lead to pronounced enrichment of incompatible elements in carbonate melt. The silica saturated or unsaturated melts can react with mantle-wedge peridotites in su bduction channels to generate complex products.However, the existing experiments are mostly dedicated to island arc settings above oceanic subduction zones rather than dehydration melting above continental subduction zones.It is crucial to conduct high pressure and high temperature experiments to investigate all possible reactions between peridotites and crustal materials and their derivatives under the conditions responsible for the slab-mantle interface in continental subduction channels. Experimental results, combined with natural observations, are possible to elucidate the processes of metamorphic dehydration, partial melting and mantle metasomatism in continental subduction channels.
朱既明,英文名Chi-Ming Chu,1917年9月12日生于江苏省宜兴县城,1998年1月6日卒于北京。朱既明5岁入小学,1928年毕业于宜兴履善小学,1931年从宜兴精一中学(1953年改名宜兴中学
摘要: 随着教育水平的不断进步,人们越来越发现传统的物理课堂教学方式的弊端和不足。本文针对目前初中物理力学的教学现状和问题展开讨论,提出自己对初中物理力学趣味学习的相关建议措施,以供相关的物理教学工作者一定的参考。  关键字: 趣味教学;力学;初中物理;策略  【中图分类号】G622.3  【文献标识码】B  【文章编号】2236-1879(2017)08-0076-02  一直以来的传统的物理教