Learning To Love

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  The film The Professional, originally named Léon in French, made a hit when it was on show in 1994. Léon was directed by Luc Besson, and was starred by Jean Reno, Natalie Portman together with Gary Oldman. It told a story between an old man and a girl.
  Mathilda, a twelve-year old girl, is living a miserable life among her half-family. Her father stores drugs for a neurotic officer Norman Stansfield. One day, Stansfield leads his team to take extremely cruel revenge on her father as well as the family just for hiding a little drug. He kills the whole family except Mathilda who is out shopping at that moment survives under the shelter of Léon. Soon, she finds out the strange neighbour’s unexpected profession, killer, so that she turns to him for taking revenge for her little brother. Léon does his best to keep Mathilda out of danger, however he failed. The conflicts among a killer a girl and an officer starts.
  When the light of hope sparked in front of Léon, he suddenly found Stansfield the neurotic police officer was following him. The sound of breath took up all my sense. My heart froze with Leon in despair. There was no way for him to leave for his brand new life. He revenged Mathilda in the price of his own life. But the love and the experience they shared were not senseless. Because he once said to Mathilda, ” you are not going to lose me. You’ve given me the taste for life, I wanna be happy, sleep in bed, have roots. And you are never gonna be alone again.”
  “The love between a girl and an aged man” is the mainstream comment on this film. However, I can’t bring myself to agree with this idea. In my eyes, it tells a story of learning to love. In other words the relationship between Mathilda and Léon can be considered as a kind of puppy love. When people focus on the appearance of the two main characters, they overlook some or even all the details.
  Léon once talked about his first love. He fell in love with a noble girl while he was just a poor boy. The girl’s father couldn’t bear their relationship and madly he killed his daughter, which made Léon so angry that he made his first shoot to kill his father. That year, Léon was 16, and he was forever 16. From then on, he had to forget how to love others, but to learn how to kill then.
  In contrast, Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl with a miserable childhood. She could deeply understand the darkness of human desires. So she was able to notice the innocence inside her youngest brother. She hated everyone in her family but her little brother. However, a police officer sent him to heaven with a bullet. Surely, she once said that “I’m already grown up, I’m just get older.” However, for loving someone, it was the first time when she met Leon.
  The two have learnt so much hostility but experienced less love. They are totally different in the shown age, but the love is puppy love. Like what is presented in The Little Prince, “it’s only with heart that one can see rightly, what’s essential is invisible to eyes.” They can see through other’s appearance to find out a pure heart. With one accident, the love between a professional killer with a belief “no women no kids” and a girl with one aim to kill the murderer of her favorite brother began. In the teaching and training process in shooting, they developed a romantic relationship. Slowly they discovered their ability to live and to love. However, kids like, they don’t know how to deal this kind of emotion. Mathilda was hot as fire, while Léon cold as ice. Eventually, they found they are indivisible, when they are about to leave each other.
  “Love has made me see things in a different way.”
【摘要】在初中音乐语法教学中,运用翻转课堂模式可以起到意想不到的作用,对此展开研究,其目的就在于找到翻转课堂运用到初中英语语法教学的具体途径。对此,本文对翻转课堂教学模式作了简单介绍,然后结合人教版初中英语语法知识,对该模式的具体应用展开分析,以供参考。  【关键词】初中英语 语法教学 翻转课堂 运用  引言  在初中英语的教学中,语法是一个很重要的环节,若是不能让学生对语法知识形成良好的掌握,那
奔驰女是幸运的,而更多的消费者没有她这么幸运。  西安奔驰4S店只是“很不幸”地被“揪”了出来。  西安奔驰4S店是有意作恶,很多企业无意,但也可能正在作恶。  当年哭错海底捞  先说一件远一点的事,再说西安奔驰4S店(以下简称“西安4S”)。  多年前,我读了一本书《海底捞你学不会》。连夜通宵看,真是边读边哭,边哭边读,为海底捞的服务与真诚而哭。哭到后半夜,忽然发现自己白哭了,后悔了,不该哭!因
【摘要】听说能力的培养是高中英语教学中的重要环节,然而如何利用现有教材内容精心构思、新颖设计使得听说训练既行之有效又不失趣味却是长期以来一直为教师们困扰的话题。本文结合自己的教学实践,围绕教材的课文内容,精心设计,充分挖掘教材提供的资源,在教学的各个步骤加强对学生的听说训练。  【关键词】围绕课文 挖掘教材 精心设计 强化听说训练  高中英语教学大纲明确指出:高中英语教学要坚持听说读写各项活动,发