Our factory is a branch factory of the first tractor factory. It has 1022 employees and is a professional factory producing 665 off-road vehicles for military use. In recent years, with the change of objective factors, military vehicles have basically stopped production. Although we actively organize the production of military-to-civilian products, the factories are still very difficult. In 1986 and 1987, the loss was 3.12 million yuan. In 1988, as soon as the organization branch was implemented to carry out internal contract management, our factory gradually formed a “6”, “3” and “1” subcontracting model and a workshop cost accounting mechanism, which greatly mobilized the enthusiasm of employees. In 1988, our factory turned a profit and realized a profit of 2.048 million yuan. It increased at a rate of 20% last year and realized a profit of 2.45 million yuan. This year 1~