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基础教育课程改革强调:教育要适应学生终身学习的要求,使他们能形成积极主动的学习态度。教学过程中注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,促进他们在教师的指导下主动地、富有个性的学习。本文基于对自主学习能力具体特征和要求的研究,结合影响自主学习的因素,联系具体实例提出了培养中学生物理自主学习能力的策略:加强兴趣指导,促进自主学习能力发展:恰当运用评价手段,提高自主学习能力:改革课堂教学模式触发学生自主能力的提高和创设自主学习环境,树立自主学习意识进而提高自主学习能力。 The reform of basic education curriculum emphasizes that education should meet the requirements of students’ lifelong learning so that they can form a proactive learning attitude. In the process of teaching, students should pay attention to cultivating the independence and autonomy of students and promoting their initiative and personality learning under the guidance of teachers. Based on the study of the specific features and requirements of autonomous learning ability, combined with the factors that affect self-directed learning, we put forward some strategies to cultivate middle school students’ ability of autonomous learning by strengthening the guidance of interests and promoting the development of self-directed learning ability: Appropriate use of evaluation methods and improvement Autonomous Learning Ability: Reforming the classroom teaching mode will trigger the improvement of students’ autonomous ability and create an autonomous learning environment, establish the awareness of autonomous learning and improve the ability of autonomous learning.
如果把素质教育比作肥沃的土壤,那么学校特色教育就是这块土壤上开出的鲜艳花朵,因此实施特色教育必须以素质教育为基础。为此,我校进行了有效地探索。 If quality educatio
本文结合教学实践,从协作教学的模式、协作教学的实施要求以及协作教学的效果与评价等方面,对如何在小学高年级开展协作式教学进行了论述。 This article discusses how to
在“What are you?”和“In what way did you take this alarm clock apart?”两句中一看便知前者表示询问“身份”、“职业”等,后者则表示询问“方式”、“方法”等。但wh
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
绿色,生命的颜色!象征着自然界和人类社会的和谐。绿色文化是一种人与自然协调发展、社会和谐共进的文化。教育是促进个人与自然和社会和谐相处、协调 Green, the color of