全球首部光能手机近日上市 价格与传统手机相当

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3月亮相德国CeBIT电信展震动全球手机用户光能手机最早亮相于今年3月份的德国汉诺威CeBIT展上。当中国厂商“恒基伟业”将这款型号为“昶S116”的光能手机摆上展台时,立即引发了包括欧美在内的全球手机厂商的巨大震憾。原因在于,就连Google创始人之一Sergey Brin和日本三菱公司,耗费多年进行手机搭截太阳能电池板的研究,都因核心技术始终难以突破而失败。如今,这一移动通讯领域的巨大科技成就,竟然-然-是由中国本土厂商率先取得的。这无疑令国外通讯巨头倍感失落。这也意味着:在新一代称动通讯领域,中国厂商已完全处于领先地位。 March debut in Germany CeBIT Telecom Expo shock Global mobile phone users first appeared in the light cell phone in March this year, CeBIT in Hanover, Germany. When the Chinese manufacturer “Henderson Albert CHAN” put this model for the “Chang S116” light mobile phone placed on the booth, immediately led to include the global mobile phone manufacturers in Europe and the United States, including the great shock. The reason is that, even one of Google’s founders, Sergey Brin and Japan’s Mitsubishi Corp., spent years researching cell phone overlay solar panels, failing because the core technology was always hard to break through. Today, the huge scientific and technological achievements in this field of mobile communications are unexpectedly - and - of course, taken first by Chinese local manufacturers. This will undoubtedly make foreign communication magnates feel lost. This also means that in the new generation of mobile communications, Chinese manufacturers have been fully in a leading position.
Most bosses get a decent day’s work from their employees, but a fortunate few get much more because they know how to motivate and inspire their workers. In re
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“Green Sleeves was all my joy,Green Sleeves was all my delight…Oh,come once again and love me,my lady Green Sleeves.”每当听到这首哀怨的英国民歌时,人们似乎会
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一名聪明的大学生以为花言巧语可解一切难题。一次他被年中考试难住了,于是在卷子首页上写下一条理由:“只有上帝知道答案。圣诞节快乐!” 他拿回考卷时见上面判道:“上帝得
1.Easy does it.慢慢来,别慌。2.Not a chance.不可能。相当于That’s impossible.例如: A:I think I can become a millionaire in two years.我想两年后我会成为百万富翁