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Underlying the fruits of the study on pottery obtained by the former researchers and using the inferences of buildings, burials and potteries systhetically, this thesis elaborate systematically the four phases Of the Halaf settlements’ development: the phase of ordinary settlements,the phase of settlements’ division, the phase of central settlements’ formation and the phase of settlements’ collapse, clearifying the change of the settlements’ relationship. From that, we can see that the change of the settlements’ function and the religion play a part in the social division and that the religion has an inspiring effect on the production forces. Underlying the fruits of the study on pottery obtained by the former researchers and using the inferences of buildings, burials and potteries systhetically, it quite elaborate systematically the four phases of the Halaf settlements ’development: the phase of ordinary settlements, the phase of settlements’ division, the phase of central settlements ’formation and the phase of settlements’ collapse, clearifying the change of the settlements ’relationship. From that, we can see that the change of the settlements’ function and the religion play a part in the social division and that the religion has an inspiring effect on the production forces.
金融危机蔓延之际,全球不少知名企业也深受其害,面临经营成本攀升以及业务萎缩等难题。困境之中,不少企业狠抓客户服务,在经济寒流中保住生意。 The spread of the financia
在教学实践中应解放思想,寻求突破,让“363”自主导学模式成为破解语文课堂密码的钥匙,开启语文教育的无限魅力。 In teaching practice, we should emancipate the mind an
史载:明代七朝皇室未曾铸钱,包括建文,正德,洪熙,天顺等朝,但传世实物已有洪熙,建文、天顺等钱出现。有的坑口、包浆,锈色。形制均具明钱特点,不类赝品,明人小说《醒世恒言》亦有正德钱行用的记载。有的史籍载:七朝钱,后期有补铸之说。此事则成谜团。以笔者之见,还是以客观史实为主。留待行家考证吧。  本期刊登浙江省上虞县发现的“正德通宝”颇值得注意:史载“正德通宝”并未铸行。但传世“正德通宝”颇多,概其多