童时盆景成奇趣 白首还向大自然——尤无曲与盆景艺术

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我的父亲尤无曲是个老画家,酷爱盆景艺术,今年92岁。83岁时,因患肾病,手术治疗拿掉一个肾;88岁时,因白内障又进行了手术;现患有轻度糖尿病。然而,由于心中充满激情,精力依然十分旺盛。早上5点(冬天6时)起身后,做操、浇花、施肥1小时,全天看报听广播2小时,写字、绘画制作盆景5~6小时,还主动参加一些家务劳动。今年4月,在南京举办他的国画与盆景展览会,他用整整一天时间画成一丈二尺的巨幅山水画。见到他的人,无不为他如此高龄、精力如此充沛而赞叹不已。其秘密在哪里? “不学佛来不学仙,从心书画乐天天。童时盆景成 Especially my father is an old painter, with a fond love of bonsai art and 92 years old this year. 83 years old, due to kidney disease, surgery to remove a kidney; 88 years old, because of cataract and surgery; now suffering from mild diabetes. However, because of my passion, my energy is still very strong. Morning 5:00 (winter 6:00) got up, do gymnastics, watering, fertilization 1 hour, read the whole day to read the radio 2 hours, writing, painting making bonsai 5 to 6 hours, but also take the initiative to participate in some housework. In April this year, he held his exhibition of traditional Chinese paintings and bonsai in Nanjing. He spent the whole day painting a giant landscape painting of ten feet. The people who saw him were amazed at how old he was and how energetic he was. Where is the secret? "Do not learn Buddha not to learn fairy, heart painting and calligraphy from day to day
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