Oxygen isotopic composition and its application to the study of tracing oceanographical process in B

来源 :Chinese Journal of Polar Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:seacowo
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In this paper, the 18 O distribution of surface water from the central sea areas of the Bering Sea and the Chukchi Sea was studied. The δ 18 O value of surface water from the Bering Sea is averagely -0.5‰; the δ 18 O contents of the Chukchi Sea are distributionally lower in northeast and higher in southwest; the δ 18 O value at the margin of Canadian Basin is -2.8‰, and averagely -0.8‰ in the southern area of the Chukchi Sea. The δ 18 O vertical distribution in some deep water stations from the Chukchi Sea and the Bering Sea is also studied. In the southern margin of Canadian Basin, the δ 18 O value is -2‰ -3‰ for surface layer and rises to 0 at 100 m depth layer. In the Bering Sea, the δ 18 O is about -0.5‰ for surface layer and increases to 0 at the depth of 300 m. The NO tracer can reflect obviously three water masses vertically distributed in the central Bering Sea: the upper Bering water mass, the middle Bering water mass and the deep Pacific water mass. The distributive ranges of NO and temperature for the various water masses are T<7℃, NO>780 μmol/dm 3 and T≥7℃, NO>650 μmol/dm 3 for upper Bering water mass, T<4℃, 550 780 μmol / dm 3 and T ≥ 7 ° C, NO> 650 μmol / dm 3 for upper Bering water mass , T <4 ° C, 550
中国和法国长江口及其毗连近岸水域污染物和营养物生物地球化学合作研究于一九八六年一月进行了第一航次的现场调查。 参加这次调查的有中国科学家四十余名和法国科学家十五
尽管艺术对于生活本身永远是九牛一毛,但艺术还得继续它微薄的力量存在,影响着少数人的生活,不一定所有的艺术作品都会消失 Although art is always a drop in the bucket o