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体育教学作为学校教育的重要组成部分,在实施素质教育中,具有其它学科不可替代的作用。身体素质是其它方面素质的载体。体育不仅可以强体,还可以增长知识,调节感情,加强意志品质的培养,促使学生智力的发展和审美能力的提高,即贯彻德智体美等全面发展。可见,通过体育教? Physical education, as an important part of school education, plays an irreplaceable role in the implementation of quality education. Physical fitness is the carrier of other qualities. Physical education can not only strengthen the body, but also increase knowledge, regulate feelings and strengthen the cultivation of willpower, so as to promote the development of students’ intelligence and aesthetic ability, that is, to carry out the all-round development of virtue, wisdom, body and beauty. Can be seen through physical education?
通过对跳远运动员黄宝挺身体素质进行关联度分析,找出他的各项素质对专项成绩的贡献程度,寻求进一步提高运动成绩的正确方法. Through the correlation analysis of long-bodie
【正】 Construction was recently started on a 1.5million t/a liquid-phase methanol andIGCC project with a total investment ofRMB6.92 billion in Economic Develop
20·34·2223·35·文吉利(八运会男子铅球冠军)的推铅球技术 20 · 34 · 2223 · 35 · Wengyi Li (eight National Games men’s shot put champion) shot put technolog
通过阅读、理解、转达、讨论等有序训练,观察学生在把握主题进行分组讨论、总结发言时,学习者的语言实际运用能力会得到怎样的提高。 Through the reading, comprehension,
摘 要:《财政学》是国际贸易专业开设的专业必修课,其重要性不言而喻。本文结合近年来在国际贸易专业讲授《财政学》的实践经验,分析了国际贸易专业《财政学》教学改革的必要性,并针对问题,提出了教学改革设计,以期更好地为培养国际贸易专业人才服务。  关键词:国际贸易;财政学;教学改革  作者简介:贺虹(1974-),女,湖南衡阳人,怀化学院讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:财政与金融。  中图分类号:G622
在美国,有90%以上的生产井是靠人工抽油的,这意味着油田的工程技术人员要花费大量时间来照看抽油设备。正确地选择抽油设备是获得高产和降低成本的关键因素。 在人工抽油装置
Root rot disease is one of the most important diseases of Bupleurum chinense DC..Pure isolates from host tissues were obtained.The results of pathogenicity test
1 Economic functioning of the petroleum and chemical industry in 2006 (1)Rnpid growth of production With the completion of new and expanded facilities, petrole