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A high-level meeting to mark the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action, a political document to carry forward the fight against racism and racial discrimination, takes place at the UN headquarters in New York on September 22


Children sit on the roof of a car to watch a National Day airshow at the Um Ajlan Park in capital city Riyadh on September 23


Students at the entrance of the campus library of the University of California, Los Angeles, on September 23. Following an academic year during which all classes and other operations were conducted remotely, students have once again set foot on campus as the new semester kicked off


People visit the Chinese section of the 34th Moscow International Book Fair in the Russian capital city on September 24. The event took place from September 24 to 27


Dancers perform at a theater located on the Jerash archaeological site on the opening night of the annual Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts in Jerash on September 22


People watch the spectacular eruption of the Cumbre Vieja volcano on the island of La Palma on September 23. The Vulcanology Institute of the Canary Islands estimated the process could last 24 to 84 days, starting from September 19
儘管人们非常不愿意看到世界经济“二次探底”的残酷结果,但不断出炉的最新数据卻正在清晰地显露经济再度滑落的风险,甚至国际货币基金组织也在近日发出了全球经济下降危险“急剧增加”的警告。不过,面对着后危机时代经济运行中的複杂情況,国际社会和各国政府都已经有了更清醒的认知和理性把握,因此不排除做出集体阻抗“二次探底”的決策和行动。  美欧日经济  疲惫乏力  相比於去年动辄2%到3%的剧烈下挫而言,欧美经
China’s tourism industry showed strong momentum during the National Day holiday, which lasted from October 1 to 7. According to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism (MCT), the country’s tourism revenue
Over the past few months, with the northward migration of Asian elephants in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, the wild species has caught the eye of the international community, and the preparation
A picture-perfect scenery has become an increasingly common sight at Erhai Lake in the city of Dali, Yunnan Province, thanks to efforts to improve its environment over the past few years. As the sunse
W hen Li Yuhan spotted a snow leopard leisurely sitting on a snow-covered mountain in the Sanjiangyuan area, glancing down at her like an emperor trying to decide if the unexpected guest was actually
Wuerhe, located 90 km from downtown Karamay City in the northern part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, is home to some 50,000 people from 10 ethnic groups, including Han, Mongolian and Uygur. It i
On the afternoon of September 16, 18-year old Nurbigul Tohti sat quietly in the art room of No.4 Middle School of Kuqa, part of Aksu Prefecture in south Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Her eyes were
It’s easy to become distracted by the many moves made by the U.S. against China. To be sure, there’s always a difference between rhetoric and reality, between ambition and actuality, and this has beco
On a hot September night in 1984, I set foot in China for the very first time. After a long wait at Beijing International Airport, I decided, out of sheer despair, to hail a taxi, even though my Chine
W hen the Luosuo River, the largest tributary of the Lancang River, takes an almost round-about turn in Mengla County of Yunnan Province, it encircles a piece of land blanketed with trees and meadows.