
来源 :黑龙江园艺 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haha300n
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大栅黄瓜白粉病现已成为大庆地区黄瓜生产中的主要病害之一,它对黄瓜生产威胁很大。今年全大庆地区1,314大栅黄瓜发生白粉病。严重地块减产30%以上。目前,大庆地区普遍使用甲基托布津和代森锌杀菌剂防治黄瓜白粉病。由于抗药性增强,使用剂量和打药次数不断增加,保护地里土壤和果实受污染严重,影响人民健康。为此,试验高效低毒新型杀菌剂,成为生产上迫切需要解决的课题。一九八二年春,我们在四个单位进行了试验和大面积示范、防治大棚黄瓜白粉病30.5亩,平均亩增产黄瓜4,007斤,平均防治效果95%。 Dali cucumber powdery mildew has become the Daqing area cucumber production one of the major diseases, it is a great threat to cucumber production. 1,314 Dazao cucumbers in this year’s Daqing area have powdery mildew. Mass production cuts more than 30%. At present, Daqing area generally use methyl thiophanate and deuterin zinc fungicides to control cucumber powdery mildew. Due to the enhanced resistance, the use of doses and the number of batches increased, soils and fruits in the protected areas are seriously polluted, affecting people’s health. To this end, the test of high efficiency and low toxicity of new fungicides, become an urgent need to address the issue of production. In the spring of 1982, we conducted experiments and large-scale demonstrations in four units to prevent and control 30.5 mu of cucumber powdery mildew in the greenhouse. The average yield of 4,007 jin of cucumber was increased with an average control effect of 95%.
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麦水蝇(Hydrellia grisla Fallen)是我县为害麦类作物害虫之一。每当穗期,幼虫就蛀入叶鞘内为害,使叶鞘变成枯白色,受害重的麦地有虫株高达100%,一般在20—30%,减产10—15%左右
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