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在社会公正问题的大讨论中﹐罗尔斯、诺齐克、哈耶克、麦金泰尔等当代西方思想家的论述被反复引用和申说﹐而将马克思恩格斯等经典作家的观点置于一种被忽视甚至被忘却的状态。形成这种状态的原因是多方面的。对历史背景和语境不作具体的分析﹐就难以把握马克思恩格斯对于社会公正问题的真实态度和精神实质﹐甚至会得出他们不仅没有关于社会公正的理论﹐而且反对和拒斥从社会公正角度讨论问题的结论。马克思主义作为无产阶级认识和改造世界、求得自身解放和人类解放的世界观和方法论﹐是真理与价值相统一的理论﹐也只有从科学向度与价值向度辩证统一的角度﹐才可能对作为价值之一种表现的公正问题作出合理的理解。公正既是一种价值观念﹐具有评价标准的功能﹐也是实际的价值(包括利益、机会、权利等)分配的一种状态﹐其中会涉及自由与平等的矛盾、形式公正与实质公正的矛盾、一般与特殊的差别、平等与效率的抵牾、公正与不公正的对立﹐等等﹐只有运用辩证思维的方法﹐才能对其复杂性获得正确的认识。 In the great discussion of social justice, the arguments of contemporary Western thinkers such as Rawls, Nozick, Hayek and MacIntyre are repeatedly quoted and claimed, while the views of classical writers such as Marx and Engels are placed in a Neglected or even forgotten state. There are many reasons for this situation. Without a detailed analysis of the historical background and context, it is difficult to grasp the true attitude and essence of Marx and Engels to social justice issues. They even come to the conclusion that they not only do not have a theory of social justice, but also oppose and reject the discussion from the angle of social justice The conclusion of the question. As a world outlook and methodology for the proletariat to recognize and transform the world and seek its own liberation and liberation from mankind, Marxism is a theory of unification of truth and value. Only from the perspective of the dialectical unity of truth and value can Marxism, A reasonable understanding of the fairness of a manifestation of value. Justice is not only a value concept, a function of evaluation criteria, but also a state of actual value distribution (including benefits, opportunities, rights, etc.). It involves the conflicts between freedom and equality, the conflicts between formal justice and substantive justice, and generally It is only by using the method of dialectical thinking that the correct understanding of its complexity can be obtained from the special differences, the contradiction between equality and efficiency, the antagonism between fairness and injustice.
通过文本、理论分析和实践考据,反思相关问题带来的危害,提出关于寻找高中化学学习原动力的意见。 Through the text, theoretical analysis and practical test, reflect t
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