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南京海军学院葛建亚同志来信问: 夫妻两地分居的状况,在部队青年干部中比较普遍,在地方为数也不少。在这样的情况下,怎样既搞好工作,又教养好子女(这也是工作),请贵刊介绍这方面的知识。另外,有些中年同志由于两地分居,子女学习成绩上不去,影响了思想和工作情绪,他们该怎么办? 北京市一二○中学于锐同志答: 夫妻两地分居,尽管对子女的教养带来一些困难,但也有不少这样的家庭,对子女的教养却很好。相反,有些家庭虽然不是夫妻两地分居,但孩子教养的并不好。可见,子女教养的好坏,并不取决于夫妻是否生活在一起。 Comrade Ge Jianya of the Nanjing Naval Academy sent a letter asking: The situation of the separation of husband and wife is more common among young army cadres in the armed forces and there are quite a few localities. Under these circumstances, how can we improve our work and raise children? (This is also a job.) Please introduce your knowledge in this regard. In addition, some middle-aged comrades as a result of the separation of the two places, children’s academic performance does not go up, affecting the ideological and working emotions, what should they do? Beijing City Junior High School Yu Rui A: The couple separated, despite the children’s Breeding brings some difficulties, but there are also many such families, whose education of their children is good. On the contrary, although some families are not separated by husband and wife, their children are not well-educated. Can be seen that their children’s education is good or bad, does not depend on whether the couple live together.
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中国工程院“新科院士”干勇及夫人以无限的爱心与智慧,把独生女儿培养成为国际知名的高级会计师,真是青出于蓝而胜于蓝—— Chinese Academy of Engineering, “Academy of
A power balance static random-access memory(SRAM) for resistance to differential power analysis(DPA) is proposed. In the proposed design, the switch power consu
在工业学大庆群众运动高潮推动下,邮电部第三研究所和苏州邮电局协作,研制成功我国第一台FBD1-64半自动电子信函分拣机,向第二次全国邮电部门学大庆会议献了厚礼。 Under t