
来源 :铁道标准设计通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxy153
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会议开得不错,成果已体现在全路标准设计工作会议纪要中了,纪要概括了会议的全貌,内容丰富,是几天来全体同志努力的结果。由于会前各主要编制单位和标准科情所都作了充分准备,会议按预定计划圆满完成。在座的有很多是从事标准设计工作多年的老同志,对事业很有感情,为事业倾注了一片苦心。会上大家认真负责地进行了讨论,发言很有见解,能顾全大局,为领导献计献策,为改进工作和找出标准设计的出路创造了条件。这次会议刚好是“七五”结束,“八五”开始,会议总结了“七五”经验,为“八五”开了个好头,也为第十一次全路标准设计工作会议作了准备。会议在审查1991年计划和检查1990年工作前,学习了李鹏总理在全国计划会议上的重要讲话,使我们的计划能贯彻国家建设方针和符合铁路发展方向,并针对标准设计存 The meeting opened well. The achievements have been reflected in the minutes of the standard design work meeting of the entire road. The summary summarizes the whole picture of the meeting and is rich in content. It is the result of the hard work of all the comrades in the past few days. Since all the major preparatory units and the standard science institute before the meeting were adequately prepared, the meeting was successfully completed according to the scheduled plan. Many of you here are veteran comrades who have been engaged in standard design for many years. They are passionate about their career and devoted themselves to their cause. At the meeting, all the people discussed it seriously and responsibly. They spoke highly of the situation and took the overall situation into account. They gave advice and suggestions to the leaders and created conditions for improving their work and finding a way out for standard design. The meeting ended exactly in the “Seventh Five-year Plan” and started the “Eighth Five-Year Plan”. The meeting summed up the “Seventh Five-Year Plan” experience and set a good start for the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” Ready Before reviewing the plan of 1991 and examining the work in 1990, the conference learned from Premier Li Peng’s important speech at the national plan meeting so that our plan could follow the national construction guidelines and comply with the railway development direction,
1988年和1987年阿尔斯通公司(集团)每年的总营业额为281亿法郎,而铁路运输部实现的营业额为52.35亿法郎(上年为53.57亿法郎)。这一数字包括了为中国制造的最新一批 The tot
ЧМЭЗТ型内燃机车是捷克斯洛伐克为苏联制造的带电阻制动的调车内燃机车。本文介绍了这种机车的电路的特点。 ЧМЭЗТ diesel locomotive is a shunting diesel loco
摘 要:360度全景系统在沂蒙革命纪念馆的投入使用,特别是在网络和手机APP平台的发布和应用,不仅解决了外地游客不能到纪念馆参观的困扰,而且丰富了原有的陈展内容,更给参观者带来了互动交流的全新感受。本文认为,该展陈形式必将在今后纪念馆陈展实践中发挥越来越重要的作用。  关键词:全景展示;沂蒙;革命纪念馆;应用  沂蒙是指以蒙山、沂水为地域标志的鲁南、苏北广大区域,其主要位于山东省临沂市境内。这是一
铁道部干扰防护标准技术组于1990年8月27~28日在北京举行了第三次工作会议。会议进行了以下几项工作。 1.各干扰防护标准编制单位和科研项目承担单位汇报了工作开展情况。会