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五年时间,在中华民族五千年的历史长河中,显得是那么微不足道。然而,2005年——2010年的这五年,却是不平凡的五年,因为在这短短的五年间,中国的造船业发生了翻天覆地的变化,造船行业的三大指标均有跨越式的增长,造船完工量、新接订单量、手持订单量占世界市场的份额分别从2005年的17%、23%、18%上升至2009年的34.8%、61.6%、38.5%。也正是在这不平凡的五年中,中国诞生了一家让世人震惊的民营造船企业——熔盛重工,熔盛重工在这短短的五年时间里创造了国内甚至国际造船史上多个纪录:公司从开工建设到首制船交付仅用28个月,创国内同等规模船厂建厂速度新纪录;公司2008年8月与巴西淡水河谷签订了12艘40万吨的超大型矿砂船建造合同,创世界单笔订单总金额、单船总吨位之最。2010年5月28日,亚洲首艘3000米深水铺管起重船“海洋石油201”顺利出坞……造船史上如此多的奇迹出现在一家船厂身上是偶然还是必然?让我们走近熔盛,探寻造船巨人的成长秘诀。 In five years, in the 5,000-year history of the Chinese nation, it seems so insignificant. However, the five years from 2005 to 2010 are an extraordinary five years because in this short period of five years, the shipbuilding industry in China has undergone tremendous changes. The three major indexes in the shipbuilding industry have been leaps and bounds Growth of shipbuilding, the completion of shipbuilding, the amount of new orders received, the share of handheld orders in the world market rose from 17%, 23% and 18% respectively in 2005 to 34.8%, 61.6% and 38.5% in 2009 respectively. It is also in this extraordinary five years that China was born as a private shipbuilding company that shocked the world - Rongsheng Heavy Industries, Rongsheng Heavy Industries in this just five years to create a domestic and even international shipbuilding history more than one Record: The company started construction from the first ship delivered only 28 months, a record domestic shipbuilding plant with the new record speed; the company in August 2008 with the Vale of Brazil signed 12 400,000 tons of oversized ore ship construction Contract, create a single world total amount of orders, the single tonnage of the total tonnage. May 28, 2010, Asia’s first 3,000-meter deep-water pipelaying crane ship “Offshore Oil 201” successfully docked ... ... So many marriages in the history of shipbuilding appeared in a shipyard who is by chance or inevitable? Let us approached Melting Sheng, search for shipbuilding giant growth tips.
在“老半斋酒楼”吃到一款冷菜,曰“咸蛋黄豆瓣酥”,黄绿两色相间,两头绿,中间黄,黄的是咸蛋黄,绿的是青豆瓣,切成菱形,色、香、味、形均可人意。 In the “old half veget
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