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Jan Pohribn,1960年出生于捷克,与大部分当代的摄影师相比,他的拍摄方式仿佛还停留在曼·雷时代。他用相机拍照,用双手造景。他会花一整天时间在海边挖一个大坑,往坑里注入蓝色染料,等待涨潮时的海水将大坑变成一轮蓝月亮,然后按下快门,将该作品取名为《地球月亮》。他说:“那个蓝色的水坑看起来像月亮在大地上的倒影。”“我追求的不是视觉刺激,我想要更深的东西……你知道有一些基因,刻在所有人的脑子里。”在快速变化的世界里,Pohribn实践着一件不可能完成的事情:寻找不变和永恒,寻找一种人与自然的完美关系。 Jan Pohribn, born in 1960 in the Czech Republic, appears to have been photographing in the Man Ray era more than most contemporary photographers. He took pictures with a camera and made landscapes with both hands. He would spend a whole day digging a pit at the beach, pouring a blue dye into the pit, waiting for the seawater from the high tide to turn the pit into a blue moon and pressing the shutter to name the work Earth moon“. He said: ”That blue puddle looks like a reflection of the moon on the earth.“ ”I’m not looking for visual stimuli, I want deeper stuff ... you know that there are some genes that are inscribed on everyone "In a rapidly changing world, Pohribn practices an impossible task: finding immutable and eternal, looking for a perfect relationship between man and nature.
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