一笑 23年前,我14岁,读初二。一天课外活动,篮球场上,我一记长传,“嘭”的一声,球正好砸在辅导归来的李老师头上。他一个趔趄,眼镜、讲义夹与一摞作业本撒了一地。我吓傻了,呆站着,整个操场静极了。同学们用同情而又担心的眼光看着我……李老师站定,摸起眼镜戴上,边拾本子边冲我一笑:“你的球投得不准,打中鼻子才算有水平,不信,让我来砸砸你。”“哈……”同学们笑着围了上来,抢着拾作业
A smile 23 years ago, I was 14 years old and I was in the 2nd grade. One day of extra-curricular activities, on the basketball court, I recorded a long pass. “Bang” sounded as if the ball was lying on the head of Teacher Li. He was paralyzed, glasses, handouts, and a copy of his homework. I was scared and stupid, standing still, the entire playground was very quiet. The students looked at me with sympathetic but worried eyes.... Teacher Li stood still and put on his glasses, and smiled as he picked up the book: “Your ball is inaccurate. If you don’t believe me, let me call you.” “Hah...” The students laughed and gathered to pick up the job.