Fos expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-containing neurons in rat brainstem after visceral noxious st

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sese90
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AIM:To prove that neurons in the different structures ofthe brainstem that express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) areinvolved in the transmission and modulation of visceral orsomatic nociceptive information in rat.METHODS:Immunohistochemical double-staining methodwas used to co-localize TH and Fos expression in neuronsof the rat brainstem in visceral or subcutaneous noxiousstimulation models.RESULTS:Neurons co-expressing TH/Fos were observedin lateral reticular nucleus (LRT),rostroventrolateral reticularnucleus (RVL),solitary tract nucleus (SOL),locus coeruleus(LC),A5,A7 neuronal groups and ventrolateral subdivisionof the periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) in both models.But theproportion and number of the double-labeled neuronsresponding to the two noxious stimuli were significantlydifferent in the LRT,RVL and LC nuclei.The proportion andnumber of the TH/Fos double-labeled neurons in the visceralpain model were smaller than that in the subcutaneous painmodel.However,in the case of SOL,they were similar inthe two models.CONCLUSION:Differences of Fos expression in THimmunoreactive neurons in animals after visceral and somaticnoxious stimulation indicate that the mechanisms of thetransmission and modulation of visceral nociceptiveinformation in the brainstem may be different from that ofsomatic nociceptive information. AIM: To prove that neurons in the different structures of the brainstem that express tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) are in viral and transmission of modulation of visceral orsomatic nociceptive information in rat. METHODS: Immunohistochemical double-staining method was used to co-localize TH and Fos expression in neurons of the rat brainstem in visceral or subcutaneous noxiousstimulation models .RESULTS: Neurons co-expressing TH / Fos were observed in lateral reticular nucleus (LRT), rostroventrolateral reticular nucleus (RVL), solitary tract nucleus (SOL), locus coeruleus (LC) A7 neuronal groups and ventrolateral subdivision of the periaqueductal gray (vlPAG) in both models. But theproportion and number of the double-labeled neuronsresponding to the two noxious stimuli were significantly different from the LRT, RVL and LC nuclei.The proportions and number of the TH / Fos double-labeled neurons in the visceralpain model were smaller than that in the subcutaneous pain model. Despite, in the case of SOL, they were s imilar inthe two models. CONCLUSION: Differences of Fos expression in THimmunoreactive neurons in animals after visceral and somatic noxious stimulation indicate that the mechanisms of the transmission and modulation of visceral nociceptive information in the brainstem may be different from that of somatic nociceptive information.
浙江省海宁市袁花镇龙联村农民蒋张林,善于利用科学技术,在自家庭院里和房顶建池养龟闯出了一条致富路,在当地被传为佳话。 Jianglian, a farmer of Longlian Village, Yuanhua
季羡林先生学贯中西,著述颇丰,一生著作超过一千万字。他生前几十年如一日,每天清晨4点起床,读书写作。季老说,他黎明前起床,往桌子边一坐,仿佛条件反射似的,心里安安静静,一下子就进入角色,拿起笔来,文思如泉水喷涌,记忆力也像刚磨过的刀子,锐不可当。他还说:“我爱北京,特别爱黎明前的北京。”清晨4点钟,拧亮台灯,往书桌边一坐,就是一道风景。  科比·布莱恩特是“篮球天才”,创下单场比赛夺得81分的个人
目的:探讨针对老年糖尿病早期肾病患者,观察选择Cys C联合β2-MG实施疾病检测与诊断的临床价值。方法:选取我院2012年10月-2014年10月老年糖尿病患者110例。对老年糖尿病患者