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  As a military doctor, I participated in anti-China war and later escaped from the army. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, I practise medicine in order to help the people. I am now 102 years old and live in Jinan. I am still quietly practising medicine.
  More than 70 years ago, I came to China from Japan, which was an unbearable past to recall. At that time, I didn’t know I came here to fight. With the so-called good wish of “Great East Asia Co - prosperity”, I thought I would bring happier and better life to Chinese people. I was afraid of war and also didn’t want to kill people, so I escaped from the army and traveled along to came to Jinan. People here gave me water to drink and food to eat. They didn’t kill me because I was a Japanese soldier. I then took up my residence here, later I had wife and children. Over 70 years passed in a flash. This year I am already 102 years old. As a doctor, I know living to this age is already considered as longevity. I went through the procedures of body donation. After death, I won’t go back and will stay in China for ever.
  The longer I live, the more I love Jinan. Japanese people pay attention to beauty. What is more particular is that the stress isn’t attached to arts field such as drawing and music but runs through every life detail. My home town is Okayama Prefecture of Japan, which is famous for fruits such as grape and white peach. The scenery there is very beautiful. Jinan is a city with mountain and water. I can see shades of Okayama in some places here. I know Jinan’s springs are very famous. Maybe I originally took my residence here because the spring water was sweet and pleasant to drink. It is only because I wasn’t in a leisurely and carefree mood to consider this in chaos of war years. Jinan people are kind-hearted and we can have some idea of this from the fact that this city accepted a Japanese soldier in the first place.Those common people who come to see doctor here all have instinctive respect towards doctor and always come to visit me again with gift after recovery, which makes me feel deeply moved. Jinan people are also diligent. I witnessed with my own eyes how this city cured wounds of war and grew up step by step. A few years ago when my health permitted, I used to stroll around fair and watch people busily manage their own life. I felt light and comfortable, which was really the largest beauty in the world.
  I also profited greatly from Chinese culture. Shortly after the end of war, I used to hear “serve the people” in radio. Because of guilt towards Chinese people, instead of going back to Japan, I practised medicine in Jinan. I had a more profound understanding of my job after knowing this sentence: my curing sickness to save the patient is not only “atonement”, it is more about “service”, namely I use professional skill to solve difficulties of others and make them live better. After so many years, now I have realized my initial aim of coming to China in another way, which makes people lament. Because of this, I free myself from the guilt in my mind. With further understanding about Chinese culture, I know Confucius and Mencius. Confucianism core is “benevolence”. From the political point of view, it refers to implement of benevolence policy and it refers to being kind to others in dealing with people. Maybe it is because China has been dipping in this climate of thought for thousands of years that the sentence of“serve the people” appears. It stresses “people” and ”service” and is a noble idea.
  I also deeply yearn for Taoism. What distinguishes it from Confucianism is that it seems to put more emphasis on man himself and hold quietness and non-action. I understand it as natural and lack of desire. My daughter had a bird but I set her free, because bird should live in forest and fly in the sky. It goes against natural law to keep it in a cage. As for me, I take a nap and a sponge bath every day because these can keep me clean and resourceful and also accord with nature. As for lack of desire, because I’m good at treating children's illness, I worked in grass-roots unit all the time. Although the salary may be less, it allows me to play a greater role. Therefore I gained respect from people and realized self-worth. Lack of desire in matter makes me gain a lot in other aspects.
  Here, you see, Chinese culture is so broad and profound: there is Confucianism in society domain which reminds people of thinking more for others and the country so as to maintain social harmony; there is Taoism in individual ideological realms which proposes obeying nature so as to gain purity of mind and peace of spirit.
  I haven’t changed nationality all the time. Although I have lived in China for such a long time and there are no relatives in my home town, this is my unchangeable identity. One the one hand, I love my country and home town; on the other hand, it reminds me that body pain is curable but war wound is hard to heal and I should try my best to do something for China as well as for Japan. Despite of this, it still doesn’t influence my enjoyment of Jinan life and appreciation of Jinan as well as the beauty of Jinan people.
这些影像,是记者眼中2009年的新济南。  新的音符。全运的圣火像一枚音符,在国庆欢扬的鼓点中跃动。济南经济建设和民生改善跨越式提升,城市经济图景和精神文明和谐共进,勾勒出扣人心弦的线谱。  新的舞台。这一年,奥体文博片区、泉城特色保护区、京沪高铁片区、小清河两岸新姿傲然,“一体两翼”强势崛起,济南体育、文娱建设快速发展,为古老厚重的城市搭建了新的舞台。“粉墨”的内容更加丰富。中国传统文化艺术与现
叶荣添  原名胡斌,30岁,股坛传奇人物,开博论股引得中国广大散户争相追逐。    2009年12月中旬,每个人都盯着地产调控,盼望可以从股市赚钱低价买房,等来的却只是梦一场的荒唐笑话。而当所有人看着地产因为政策调控大跌而庆幸自己没有选择房地产后,今天他们才明白原来地产不行其他都别想涨!  股市的神秘之处在于不可复制的走势性,但趋势的结构却永远相同,这种相同的地方在于影响大盘指数的版块之间相互轮动
路也  济南大学文学院教师。著有诗集、散文集、中短篇小说集及长篇小说十余部。曾获齐鲁文学奖、泰山文艺奖、以及《诗刊》的第三届华文青年诗人奖、“新世纪十佳青年女诗人”奖、“新世纪十佳青年诗人”奖等。    我实在不喜欢由英语“Pizza Hut”音译而来的那个汉语名称:“必胜客”。它听上去太像口号:硬梆梆的,争强好胜,道高一尺魔高一丈,随时准备决斗,非要把对方打倒不可,充满了阶级斗争的火药味。译成这
济南,一座山河环绕的泉城。不久前,全运会的喝彩和鼓点带动了整个城市经济的全面提速。市场经济潮头迭起,有人沉寂,有人挣扎,有人狂欢。  东环国际大厦24楼。吴炳新的办公室。  这是一个大套间里隔开的小套房,陈列简单,版图不大却意象开阔。这里与财富、奢华等字眼并不关联,或者说相去甚远。  不大的办公桌左侧,是一个地球仪和一盏极具现代气息的台灯。屋角的绿色植物枝蔓蓬勃。拉开窗帘,温暖的光线铺展开,大半个
孙万林  政府工作人员    车开了五年多,我已经受不了,我要把这惹人生气的车卖了。  第一,每天一上路看着堵在马路上的车队我就心烦。不要以为停车等绿灯的时候可以借机干点别的,你仍然要集中注意力,因为当前面的车启动时,你的动作稍稍慢一点,后面的车就会像催命一样对你按喇叭,如若是在边道上行驶,你还要时刻防备着有车会突然插到你的前面。  第二,该通过路口了,好歹要畅快一下了,加速走吧,先别忙,你更是要
“鼓浪屿四周海茫茫,海水掀起波浪;鼓浪屿遥对着台湾岛,台湾是我家乡;登上日光岩眺望,只见云海苍苍;我渴望,我渴望,快快见到你,美丽的基隆港”  这首歌让无数观光客对厦门充满了向往。正如西湖之于杭州、大明湖之于济南一样,鼓浪屿是厦门的标志与明珠。然而,鼓浪屿人却不承认自己是“厦门人”。  厦门,是个有个性的城市。她不如北京大气,不如上海时尚,不如广州风情,不如成都休闲,但她确有自己的特色。她妩媚婉约
一条小清河,承载了泉城人太多的回忆和梦想。作为山东省的条重要内河 小清河与社会的繁荣与否 人们的生活好坏一直密切相关,曾经繁华的码头文化更是让人情不自禁地向往。随着小清河一期改造工程竣工,二期工程启动,济南传统的商埠码头区将会再现旧时繁荣,各条河流将重展轻波泛舟美景济南将会更加魅力醉人。    ◎昔日繁华的码头经济    作为山东省内的条内河,历史上小清河担负着重要的运输任务。尤其在盐运上,其
2009年11月13日,我站在一幢高楼的窗前,鸟瞰小清河。一场飘飘洒洒的大雪过后,整个城市银装素裹,洁白皑皑。小清河蜿蜒而舒展地静静流淌,穿行在这座城市的街衢和楼宇之间。岸边的柳树垂着银色的丝条,不远处的亭阁仿佛是一幅雪景大画上夺目的点缀。我观赏,我遐想,总感觉有一种摄人心魄的壮美充溢胸间。  久违的雪更能带给我们家乡的气息,家乡的记忆,家乡的思念,它能让我们的感情在那雪国的回忆中徜徉。小清河的雪
历城,山东省城济南的一个直辖区,坐卧在济南东部。  这是一个很有特点的区,对济南的意义非凡:这是济南最大的一个直辖区,在济南“东拓西进、南控北跨中疏”的总体布局中发挥着连南接北承东启西的重要作用,是济南“东拓”战略的主战场。  对于东拓、西进南控北跨,中疏的城市规划十字方针,关注济南的人们都很熟悉。因为它自提出起就决定着济南城市的走向,并将在今后持续发挥着深远的影响。20。6年,为了把握十一运的城
上世纪80年代以来,随着工业化和城市化步伐的加快,小清河两岸建起了千余家工业企业,河道两岸的人口也大量增加,生活污水成倍增长。而这些污水大部分都排入小清河,致使上世纪70年代还水清见底的小清河变成了一条黑河、臭河。  更为严重的是,被严重污染的小清河,又污染了地下水源,危害了流域居民的健康。污水破坏了土壤,造成粮食大面积减产;水产养殖和莲藕种植遭到毁灭性打击:小清河的水生物也基本灭绝。居住在小清河