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为调查井工煤矿在岗农民工尘肺病防治现状并提出对策措施,采用分层整群抽样调查方法对4省(市)的83家井工煤矿进行调研,调查内容包括:职业卫生管理现状、职业健康监护与尘肺病诊断资料、X线胸片、农民工基本情况、职业卫生知识知晓情况、社会保险待遇等。调查结果显示:83家井工煤矿的职业病危害防治工作领导小组设置率和管理制度制定率均为100%,但制度内容和职业卫生培训缺乏针对性;粉尘危害防治费用平均为吨煤0.18元/月;采煤和掘进工作面的总尘浓度约为1.02~49.5 mg/m3;在岗检查时,农民工肺部异常的检出率高于正式工,在岗农民工疑似尘肺病检出率为7.94%,农民工尘肺病平均发病工龄14.47 a±6.79 a,平均发病年龄42.56岁±5.80岁,与正式工相比,农民工发病工龄短、发病年龄小。因此,建议政府从法规标准建设、探索职业健康责任险、加大监管力度等方面,企业从强化主体责任意识、源头治理及农民工职业卫生培训等方面,加强农民工尘肺病的防治工作。 In order to investigate the status quo of prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis among migrant workers in Jinggong Coal Mine and put forward countermeasures, the stratified cluster sampling method was used to investigate and survey 83 coal mines in 4 provinces (cities), including the status of occupational health management, occupation Health care and pneumoconiosis diagnostic data, X-ray, basic situation of migrant workers, occupational health knowledge, social insurance benefits and so on. The survey results show that the establishment rate of the leading group and the formulation rate of the management system of 83 coal mines in Jingjing Mine are all 100%, but the content of the system and the lack of pertinence of occupational health training; the average cost of dust hazard prevention and control is 0.18 yuan / Month; total dust concentration of coal mining and driving face is about 1.02 ~ 49.5 mg / m3; on-the-job inspection, the detection rate of lung abnormalities of migrant workers was higher than that of regular workers; the detection rate of suspected pneumoconiosis among migrant workers was 7.94 %, The average age of migrant workers with pneumoconiosis onset 14.47 a ± 6.79 a, the average age of onset 42.56 ± 5.80 years old, compared with regular workers, migrant workers short onset of work, the age of onset is small. Therefore, it is suggested that the government should strengthen the prevention and control of peasant workers’ pneumoconiosis from the aspects of the construction of laws and regulations, the exploration of occupational health liability insurance and the enhancement of supervision.
目的观察新生儿接种重组乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗的长期免疫效果。方法于1996年10月7日—1997年5月31日在德清县招募135名符合纳入标准的新生儿,其中35人的母亲乙肝表面抗原(HBs A
目的了解某铅冶炼企业周边儿童血铅水平及相关因素。方法采取分层整群随机抽样和单纯随机抽样相结合的方法,2012年5—6月调查某铅冶炼企业周边10 km范围内的Z镇常驻人口中3~1