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  White light is made up of a mixture[混合] of different colours. Light travels in waves, and different colours have different wavelengths[波长]. Things seem a particular colour because of the light they reflect[反射] or scatter[散射]—a leaf appears green because it reflects green light.
  Scattering Light
  Shine a torch[手电筒] through an empty glass or bottle and look at the colour of the light in the bottle. Hold a piece of paper on the other side of the bottle and look at the colour of light that has passed through[通过]. Fill the glass or bottle with water and shine the torch through it. What colour is the light passing in the bottle or glass, and what colour is the light on the paper? Add a drop or two of milk and mix it thoroughly[充分地], and shine the torch through it again—what happens to the light in the glass or bottle, and the light on the paper?
  Particles in suspension[懸浮] reflect light—this is called the “Tyndall Effect” (think of how car headlights[车头灯] reflect off fog, which is a suspension of water droplets[微水滴] in air).
  Light travels directly through water, with little reflection and scattering, and the colour does not change. Milk in water is a suspension of fat and protein[蛋白质] particles[微粒] in water. The suspended particles should change the colour of the light in the bottle or glass to a bluish[带蓝色的] tinge[淡色], with the light on the paper having a reddish[微红的] tinge.
  The blue part of the light (shorter wavelength) from the torch should be reflected and scattered by the particles in the suspension, more than the red, orange and yellow parts of the light (longer wavelength). When this scattered light reaches people’s eyes, it makes the mixture seem blue, particularly at the edges. The particles allow more of the red, orange and yellow light through, so the light on the paper will have more of these colours in it.
  The light at the centre of the glass or bottle may also seem to have a reddish tinge—this is because it has passed through more particles than the light at the edges, so more of the blue light has been scattered away.
  Blue Skies
  Air molecules[微粒] also affect light. They absorb[吸收] the light and then release[释放] (scatter) it in another direction. This is called the “Rayleigh Effect”. Air molecules absorb and release blue light more often than red, orange and yellow light. As this light is scattered, it reaches people’s eyes, making the sky seem blue. The red, orange and yellow light carries straight on without being scattered by the air molecules, so people do not see as much of it.   Light from the horizon passes through more air, so it’s more likely to be scattered away, making the sky there seem paler[苍白的] in comparison[相比之下]. Sunrise and Sunset. In the day, light from the sun comes from above, so it passes through less air, and has been scattered by fewer air molecules. In the morning and evening, light from the sun comes from near the horizon, so it travels through a lot more of the atmosphere[大气层], and more of the blue and green light is scattered in different directions. By the time the light reaches people’s eyes, a lot of the blue and green light has been lost, and only the red, orange and yellow light is left, making the sky and clouds look red, orange and yellow.
  The Tyndall Effect also creates brightly coloured sunrises and sunsets, when water vapour[水蒸气] and particles from pollution[污染物] or volcanic eruptions[火山爆发] reflect the red and orange light.
  Know More
  约翰·丁达尔(John Tyndall,1820—1893),英国物理学家,英国皇家学会物理学教授,著名物理学家、化学家迈克尔·法拉第的学生和朋友。1869年,丁达尔发现当一束光线透过胶体,从入射光的垂直方向可以观察到胶体里出现一条光亮的“通路”,而溶液则没有这条“通路”,这种现象后来被称为“丁达尔现象”,也叫“丁达尔效应”(Tyndall Effect)。丁达尔效应是区分胶体和溶液的一种常用物理方法。
  瑞利,原名约翰·威廉·斯特拉特(John William Strutt),尊称瑞利男爵三世(Third Baron Rayleigh),1842年11月12日出生于英国埃塞克斯郡莫尔登(Malden)的朗弗德林园。瑞利以严谨、广博、精深著称,并善于用简单的设备做实验获得十分精确的数据。他是在19世纪末达到经典物理学颠峰的少数学者之一,在众多学科中都有卓越成果。他在声学、波的理论、光学、光的散射、电力学、电磁学、水力学、液体流动理论方面都做出了不可磨灭的贡献,其中尤以光学中的瑞利散射和瑞利判据、物性学中的气体密度测量方面的影响最为深远。1904年,他因和拉姆塞同时发现了惰性元素氩(Ar)而荣获该年度的诺贝尔物理学奖。
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