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多年来,开展爱国卫生运动的实践证明,突击性的卫生活动比较容易开展,但难以保持经常。如何巩固每次突击活动的成果,使卫生防病工作经常化呢?总结许多单位的经验,我认为,必须坚持不懈地抓好以下几方面的工作。一、不断进行卫生宣传教育,提高广大指战员开展卫生防病工作的自觉性重视与积极开展卫生宣传教育工作,是我军卫生工作的优良传统。只有加强卫生宣传教育,使群众充分认识这项工作的重要意义,懂得有关的卫生防病知识,才能充分调动群众搞好卫生防病工作的积极性,自觉地同自己的不卫生的习惯作斗争。卫生宣传教育的内容很多,对象不一,因此,要特别强调针对性,有的放矢地进行。 Over the years, the practice of patriotic health campaigns has proved that rash sanitation activities are relatively easy to carry out, but it is difficult to maintain their regularity. How to consolidate the achievements of each raid so as to make the work of sanitation and disease control more regular? To sum up the experience of many units, I think we must unswervingly grasp the following work. First, continuously carry out publicity and education on health and enhance the awareness and vigorous efforts of the vast numbers of commanders and officers to carry out public health and disease prevention and prevention work are the fine traditions of our military’s health work. Only by strengthening publicity and education on hygiene, enabling the masses to fully understand the significance of this work and understanding the relevant knowledge on health and disease prevention can we fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the masses in doing health and disease prevention work and consciously fight their unhealthy habits. There are many contents of publicity and education in health education and different targets. Therefore, we must place special emphasis on targeted and targeted programs.
求线性目标函数在线性约束条件下的最大值或最小值问题,统称为线性规划问题.用这种思想方法解“希望杯”中的非线性规划赛题也十分巧妙.本文举例说明,供参考. The problem of f
近年来致纤维化肺泡炎的报道日渐增多,我院最近发现长期操作静电复印机引起致纤维化肺泡炎1例报告如下: 患者女性,50岁,因活动后呼吸困难进行性加重伴干咳两个半月于1987年8
生理机能与疾病的关系一.肺通气 (一)肺通气量 1.静息通气量是指在基础代谢情况下所测得每分钟的通气量。潮气量乘以每分钟呼吸数即为每分钟静息通气量。静息通气量的增加,