Numerical Analysis for Heat Shield Ablation Law in Transpiration Cooling System

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watersss1111
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The transpiration cooling control system of the thermal protective shield with surface ablation is anonlinear control system of distributed parameter with moving boundary.As far as the boundaryconditions the third kind and a one-dimensional incompressible coolant flow under constant transpirationmass flux are concerned,this paper transforms the definite solution problem into the second-typeVolterra integral equations,and applies them directly to compute the shield ablation law.Investigationof the system’s control by transpiration mass flux,ablation amount and ablation velocity varying withtime,time of the ablation’s beginning and ending,etc.,are presented. The transpiration cooling control system of the thermal protective shield with surface ablation is anonlinear control system of distributed parameter with moving boundary. As far as the boundary conditions of the third kind and a one-dimensional incompressible coolant flow under constant transpirationmass flux are concerned, this paper transforms the definite solution problem into the second-type Volterra integral equations, and applies them directly to compute the shield ablation law. Investigation of the system’s control by transpiration mass flux, ablation amount and ablation velocity varying with time, time of the ablation’s beginning and ending, etc. are presented.
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系统与总体 期号页次 一种高级检机程序的设计与实现………………………………………………………(1) 8 硬件描述语言与数字系统设计…………………………………………………
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