日前,连夜拜读了《艺海风云——王琦回忆录》。掩卷之余,沉思良久,崇敬、自豪之情涌人心田。作为美术事业的后学者,应该为我国老一辈艺术家的丰功伟绩献上一缕深深的敬意。作为一名受业弟子则更为恩师几十年在艺术上的不懈追求、特别是暮年壮心不已而感到骄傲和自豪。 作为我国新兴木刻运动元老之一的王琦,在民族危亡时就拿起了木刻刀,从此就坚定地沿着鲁迅先生指引的航向奋勇直前。抗日战争时期,他用沾满血和泪的刻刀记录着民族的苦难和人民的抗争。解放战争时期,他用充满着爱和恨的刻刀镌刻着社会的黑暗和民主的洪流。社会主义时期,他用勃发情感
A few days ago, read the night “Art of the sea situation - Wang Qi memoirs.” While concealment, thought for a long time, reverence, pride of love infatuation. As a post-scholar of fine arts, we should offer a deep respect for the great achievements of the older generation of artists in our country. As a disciple of study, he is even more mentally relentless in his artistic pursuit for decades and especially proud and proud in his early years. As one of the emerging woodcut veterans in China, Wang Qi took up a woodcut knife when the nation was in danger and has been steadfastly moving forward along the course guided by Mr. Lu Xun. During the period of the Anti-Japanese War, he recorded the suffering of the nation and the people’s protest with a knife with blood and tears. During the War of Liberation, he engraved with the grave of love and hate the darkness of society and the torrent of democracy. In the period of socialism, he used the euphoria