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《孩子们的呼声》(“The Cry of Children”)是英国十九世纪维多利亚女王时代杰出的女诗人伊丽莎白·巴列蒂(勃朗宁夫人)于1844年所写的一篇十分动人的诗篇.它揭露和谴责当时英国矿场主对童工惨无人道的剥削行为.马克思和恩格斯在十九世纪五十和六十年代曾多次发表政论文章对这种剥削行为予以痛斥.甚至连当时英国一位名叫莱昂纳德纳的工厂视察员也不得不承认:“为了使资本家获得更多的利润,童工与未成年工和女工每天工作时间延长,而且常增加夜班.这些现象根本不能保持他们的健康,同道德、儿童教育和正常生活完全不能相容,使人根本不能合理地享受丝毫的生活乐趣.”无怪马克思1859年在《不列颠工业的状况》中十分赞赏这位视察员的仗义直言的谴责.马克思写道,“我很想利用这个机会向那些不顾万能的阶级利益、以道义上的英勇气慨、顽强的毅力和出众的智力来保护被压迫群众的不列颠工厂视察员表示敬意.”译者也是怀着敬意来翻译英国女诗人E·B·勃朗宁夫人的杰作《孩子们的呼声》的.《孩子们的呼声》文字感人,骤读时似乎使人感到战斗精神不强,其实不然,作者在诗的结句中已经正告统治者:孩子们的无声啜泣将会带来一股摧毁旧世界的强大革命力量. The Cry of Children was a very touching poem written in 1844 by Elizabeth Baltti (brilliant lady of England), a victorious female poet of the nineteenth century in the United Kingdom. It uncovered and condemned the inhuman exploitation of child labor by British miners at the time, and Marx and Engels repeatedly denounced such exploitation in the 1950s and 1960s, even when a British name Factory inspectors called Leonardana also have to admit: “In order to make capitalists more profitable, child laborers, minors and women workers work longer hours per day and often increase night work, and these phenomena simply can not keep them healthy , With morality, children’s education and normal life completely incompatible, people simply can not reasonably enjoy the slightest joy of life. ”No wonder Marx in 1859 in the“ state of British industry ”very much appreciated the inspector’s justification bluntly condemned Marx wrote: “I would very much like to take this opportunity to show my courage to those who, in spite of all the class interests, And the superior intelligence of the British factory inspectors who protected the oppressed masses. ”The translator also paid homage to the translation of“ The Voice of the Children, ”a masterpiece of the British poet, Ms. E. Browning." The children The words are touching, it seems to make people feel that fighting spirit is not strong at the time of reading, but in actual fact, the author has already ruled rulers in the concluding poem that the silent sobs of children will bring a mighty revolution to destroy the old world power.
一 成名之年 1968年秋,龚古尔评奖委员会把文学奖授予当年最佳小说《冬天的果实》的作者——学徒出身、长期从事体力劳动的贝尔纳·克拉韦尔(Bernard Clavel)。当时他已四十
《当代摄影大师》,台湾阮义忠著,中国摄影出版社将之列为“摄影家参考丛书”出版。“出版说明”中提到,这本书所收的摄影家有风格含混不清之处:书的副标题是“二十位人性见证者”,但却将A·亚当斯列入其中,而所选也主要是他的风光作品。不过,读罢此著,我倒觉得,“人性见证者”的意义未必全部体现在作品中,摄影家本身——他的人格,他的人生,他的观察世界的独特目光,不是人性的见证么?  迦克-昂利·拉帝格(残酷世纪
袁枚有言:“夏宜食干腊”。时值酷暑,笔者在本店推出了几款腌腊风味菜肴,一经上市,效果甚佳,特介绍给同行,不妨一试。 Yuan Mei has a saying: “Summer should dry wax”.
盛夏饮食宜清淡、富有营养,以下各款可供“家庭厨政主管”们参考。一、锅番茄用料:番茄、鸡蛋、葱末、姜末、绍酒、盐、味精、面粉、鲜汤、菜油、麻油等火塌 Summer diet sh
姜有许多种,通常所说的姜,系指用于烹调的“生姜”而言。开春之后,东北餐馆里的姜丝里脊以及南方在新姜上市后的生姜炒仔鸡都是颇有名气而 There are many kinds of ginger,
<正> 瘟疫与隔离!喜马拉雅山脚下平展展的大片土地上,一切都象蒙着一层薄雾,全都笼罩在一片对瘟疫的恐惧气氛中。城里的每个孩子,只要听到瘟疫这个词,就会吓得战慄烈吖倘豢膳?然而,隔离区此起瘟疫更为可怕。人们对瘟疫的畏惧,远不如对隔离区那么害怕。正因为如此,难怪卫生保