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静态随机存储器在反应堆中子辐射环境中会发生单粒子翻转(Single event upset,SEU)。钨和铜等重金属作为局部互联,在半导体中已得到广泛应用,这些重金属对中子在半导体中的单粒子翻转截面会产生影响。不同条件下单粒子翻转截面与临界能量的关系可作为器件设计和使用时的参考,利用Geant4对特定中子能谱在CMOS(Complementary metal oxide semiconductor)器件中的能量沉积进行模拟,给出特定能谱下翻转截面σ与临界能量Ec的关系:σ=exp[-18.7×Ec-32.3],其中能量单位为Me V,截面单位为cm2。并且模拟了1-14 Me V的单能中子在含有互联金属钨及不含钨的CMOS中的沉积能量及单粒子翻转截面,得出在1-14 Me V内单粒子翻转截面随中子能量而增大,且钨的存在会增加α粒子的产额,从而增大了1-3 Me V中子的单粒子翻转截面,而对4-14 Me V中子基本不会产生影响。 Static random access memory (SEU) occurs in a reactor neutron radiation environment. As a local interconnect, heavy metals such as tungsten and copper have been widely used in semiconductors, and these heavy metals have an impact on the single-particle inversion section of neutrons in semiconductors. Under different conditions, the relationship between single-particle inversion cross-section and critical energy can be used as a reference for designing and using the device. The energy deposition in a CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) device of a specific neutron energy spectrum is simulated by Geant4 to give a specific energy The relationship between the overturning section σ and the critical energy Ec under the spectrum: σ = exp [-18.7 × Ec-32.3], where the energy unit is Me V and the cross-section unit is cm 2. And simulates the deposition energies and single-particle inversion cross sections of 1-14 MeV single-energy neutrons in interconnected tungsten and non-tungsten-containing CMOS. The results show that the single-particle inversion cross section with 1-14 MeV Energy increases, and the presence of tungsten increases the yield of alpha particles, thereby increasing the single-particle inversion cross section of 1-3 MeV neutrons without substantially affecting the 4-14 MeV neutrons.
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