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研究了小核盘菌保藏过程中活力和致病力影响因素,结果表明:接种后培养6 d的小核盘菌活力(以该菌在PDA平板上培养形成的菌落直径表示)和致病力(以该菌在蒲公英叶片上形成的菌斑直径表示)最大,分别为66.2 mm和52.9 mm。保藏期间小核盘菌的活力和致病力均随时间呈下降趋势。保藏90 d后,培养8 d的小核盘菌的活力和致病力最大,分别为31.7 mm和17.9 mm;培养4 d的小核盘菌的活力和致病力最小,分别为6.3 mm和2.6 mm。保藏期间低水活度有利于小核盘菌活力和致病力的保持,活力和致病力均随水活度的降低而增加。当水活度低于0.432时,活力和致病力不再增加,趋于稳定。低温有利于小核盘菌活力和致病力的保持,25℃下保藏90 d的小核盘菌失去了全部活力和致病力,而-16℃下小核盘菌的活力和致病力仅分别下降25.8%和13.7%。 The factors affecting the viability and pathogenicity of S. sclerotiorum during storage were studied. The results showed that the viability of S. sclerotiorum, cultured for 6 days after inoculation (indicated by the diameter of colonies formed on PDA plates) (Expressed in terms of the bacterial plaque diameter formed on dandelion leaves) of 66.2 mm and 52.9 mm, respectively. The viability and virulence of S. sclerotiorum declined with time. After 90 days of storage, the viability and virulence of S. sclerotiorum cultured for 8 d reached the maximum of 31.7 mm and 17.9 mm, respectively. The viability and virulence of S. sclerotiorum cultured for 4 d were the smallest at 6.3 mm and 2.6 mm. The low water activity during storage is in favor of the maintenance of viability and virulence of S. sclerotiorum, with the increase of vitality and pathogenicity with the decrease of water activity. When the water activity is lower than 0.432, vitality and virulence no longer increase, tend to be stable. Low temperature is conducive to the maintenance of the viability and pathogenicity of S. sclerotiorum, and all the activity and virulence of P. sclerotiorum stored at 25 ℃ for 90 d lost its viability and virulence at -16 ℃ Only decreased by 25.8% and 13.7% respectively.
One-step patch near-field acoustical holography(PNAH) is a powerful tool for identifying noise sources from the partially known sound pressure field.The acousti
飙升正能量  “不会做饭,也能可爱!”  灰灰属于生活能力较差的女人,比如做饭,虽然下了不少功夫,可却因为天赋欠缺,做的饭菜味道乏善可陈。老公劝她请个钟点工,干脆别做饭了,可灰灰却不依不饶,非要证明自己手艺会有提升。有时老公提出在外面吃饭,她也会生气,认为老公在变相讥讽她的厨艺,有时候还会为此和老公吵一场。  每个人的婚姻里都有正、负两种能量。婚姻中的正能量,就是展示自己乐观向上、宽容待人的一面,
HIV-1是艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染细胞所释放的一种不成熟、无感染性的病毒颗粒,包裹在由Gap 蛋白所组成的蛋白质壳体中。Gap 蛋白要分裂成更小的蛋白质才能形成感染性病毒粒子。